144. Trust the Truth

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Casus sighed as he stood in the courtyard. The plan that he had explained to the others was foolproof, or, well, for the most part it was anyway. As he looked towards the sky, he sensed a presence, and he knew full well who it would be, so he didn't even react to them walking closer.

"You asked for me?"

With the newcomer speaking up, Casus tears his gaze from the sky and he sees that there, standing just a few steps away, was the enemy or, at least in this case, it was not. For there, standing right near him, was Sanctus, however, he looked rather ragged. It must've been a hassle to take control again, but Casus wasn't going to question it.

"I take it that you are aware of what I'm going to ask of you?" Casus asks Sanctus with folded arms.

"I am aware..." Sanctus takes a step forward. "I just hope that your plan works."

Casus narrowed his eyes. "How much do you know about it?"

"I can only guess...." Sanctus raises a hand and points towards his chest. "It rests there."

"I am disarming... Him... How will he take it?" Casus questions as he takes a step forward to Sanctus.

"Honestly? I do not care."

"... You really are different...."

"To the one that hangs around her right now? Yes, and I'm glad. It means that 'we' won't exist."

Casus tilts his head for a moment and sighs. As he raises his hand, he places it where Sanctus pointed to. A pale blue glow then emits from his hand, and Sanctus begins to wince as Casus' hand melds into his body. With one swift motion, Casus pulled his hand out again and there, in his grasp, was a sword. Sanctus then collapses to his knees as Casus begins to examine the sword.

"It's the same, but also... it's not. It can do severe damage to others, but...." He pricks himself with the blade. "It does nothing to me."

Sanctus gets to his feet, whilst clinging at his chest. "A cheap copy wouldn't be able to destroy its rightful owner...."

Casus flinches at that comment, and lets out a massive sigh. "I gathered as such, however, I'm not really the rightful owner...." He raised the sword with one hand and, with his other, placed the pointed end on his palm and started to push. The sword began to sink into his skin, but it didn't even break it, and it then disappeared out of sight. "But I suppose that getting the sword from you now is much easier than the original plan. That would have sucked ass."

Sanctus didn't answer him, but he just smiled slightly.

"But I suppose this is the last time we will see each other...."

This time, Sanctus did smile. "Well, not exactly."

"Heh, I suppose that is true...." Casus' face fell. "You yourself are now on borrowed time...."

"Time has no meaning in itself unless we give it significance." Sanctus turned around, and began to walk, but he then stopped for a moment to look back over his shoulder. "Goodbye."

Casus watched him as he went and, when he was out of sight, he let out a sigh and walked backwards into a portal that he had conjured up.

On the other side of the portal, it led to a riverbed and then, sitting on a rock, was the most insufferable person that Casus had the pleasure of ever meeting.

"You took your sweet time...."

They hopped off the rock and strolled over to him. There, standing in front of him, was Nocte, and he did not look any different than usual.

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