131. Petals, Truth and a Song

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After Nocte had informed Lucette that he wanted to speak to her, she paid close attention to him. However, she couldn't help noticing that he wasn't putting much weight on his left leg. How did she not notice that before? As she was looking at his leg, she didn't notice that he had pulled out the same blue petal that he used earlier. It was the same petals that she was previously curious about.

"Do you recognise these?" He asked her.

"I do."

"Well, I would be surprised if you didn't.... But it's really weird where you can get them from...."

"Huh?" She was now confused and she couldn't help tilting her head.

"My 'grandson' is very unique.... " Nocte says with a dashing smile.

"That I can agree with, but I want to save them."

"Oh..." He waggles a finger at Lucette. "Oh, not those ones."

"I don't get it...."

With another smile, he points in the direction of her stomach, and then to the petal that he was holding. "I suppose you can come out now."

Lucette was still feeling extremely confused about what was going on. Nocte pointed, with his head, to the side, and her eyes followed where he pointed. However, she had to stop her jaw from hitting the ground at who she saw standing there. There, without a doubt, was Sanctus, but he didn't have silver hair or grey eyes. It was the 'true' form that the other one once showed her. As he stepped forward, she could instantly tell that this Sanctus wasn't the one that she had met before.

"I gotta admit, when he came to me, I was kinda freaked out. I nearly sent him flying. But after seeing the things that I've seen over aeons, man, I'm kinda getting used to it now. However, I'll let you talk, I'll just be over there...." Nocte points in a random direction, and he walks over to it. However, it was just as Lucette thought. For some reason, he was limping, favouring his right more than his left.

"Unfortunately, that was my fault...."

"Huh?" Lucette turned her head round, and she noticed that Sanctus had moved closer.

"I kinda reacted and, well, apparently I can do more like this than I thought and, well.... I knocked him on his ass. However, he surprised me at first, but...." He shrugs. "What can you do?"

"Are you... Real?" As she stepped forward, Lucette moved her hand and started touching his face. Somehow she expected her hand to go through it, but it actually met flesh. "Huh..." At that moment, she pinched his cheek. "Ah.... Real."

"I could've told you that." He rubbed where she pinched him, as she took a step back.

"But how are you even... Here? How is that possible?"

"I somehow materialised myself whilst also being... In there...." He points at her.


"I had an urge to protect you from.... Myself and my hot headed brother, or, in this case... Another set of us. So I thought really hard, and I was able to drop off the rose to you.... From that, I could somehow be able to interact when you are near it. Then I noticed that I could piggy back on close relatives and use their 'essence' to move about. So the only one nearby at that time was, of course, Grandpa, which was a surprise to me as well as to him as I appeared out of nowhere in front of him."

When Sanctus said the word 'grandpa', she couldn't help noticing a certain someone flinch at that word.

"And you have no idea how you did it?"

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