9. The girl, the boy and the bird

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Inside the house, it looked just as she left it, which makes it generally look more suspicious.... But maybe he did, in fact, listen to her. But if he did listen to her, what HAS he been doing all day? Turning around to face him, she just had to ask.

"Why are you opening the door?"

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"


He gestured towards the living room, and she could just make out that her T.V was on. Was he watching that all day? If so how did he even turn it on...?

"How did you turn it on?"

Lucette watched him, as his face showed signs of annoyance.

"He....The bird. He helped."

Wait, did she hear that correctly? Did he seriously just say that the bird had helped him? Well, maybe the little guy stepped on the power button on the remote, but that was one hell of a long shot. That being said, it could've happened. So, she decided to not press him further. Lucette sat down, and started taking her shoes off.

"Ahh, now that's better." She really couldn't help noticing that he kept watching her.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Oh, nothing. Just....." He trailed off, his attention was on something else.

Following his line of sight, she saw the little bird standing in the hallway. However, unless her eyes were playing tricks on her, he looked 'bigger'.

"Ah, he came to greet us."

"He likes to be left out, but he doesn't like to BE left out."

Lucette looked up at Ichthys as he said that, that didn't really make sense. He looked back down at her, gave a weird hand gesture and started to walk back to the living room.

"I'm going to continue watching this.....Brick Line Non Non."

Lucette just stared....Brick Line Non Non? What? Getting up, she made her way over to the TV so she could see the screen and saw the opening credits...Oh! so that's what he meant...'Brick Line' was 'Brooklyn'....Was he really that bad with words? Or did he just do it on purpose? She looked down at the bird, because he was watching Ichthys as well, and she couldn't help but notice that the bird 'facepalmed' with his wing. Though birds can't really do that, so she thought that he was just scratching.

"I need to change, so.... "

He didn't say anything at that, just waving a hand, to which Lucette rolled her eyes and made her way upstairs.

In her room, she plopped herself down on her bed and sighed. The really weird boy, who called himself Ichthys, was extremely... Well... weird. Just when she was starting to get used to something, he goes and does something completely different. Although, saying that, some things stayed the same a lot... Such as getting names wrong, which was the main one of his weird mannerisms, as well as being generally extremely weird. Those were the two mannerisms that really stayed the same. Each time she's met him, he's been 'different' in some way. Lucette's mind kept racing through all the details, but she kept going back to the scene from the beach AND the meadow, and when she realised this, she slapped her cheeks in annoyance. She told herself that those were NOT gonna happen again, and both times were very weird flukes... As he acts like none of those times actually happened....Lucette angrily got up, she wasn't sure if she was angry with herself for letting those happen, or with him as he seemed to have forgotten them.

Changing into something way more comfortable, she laid back down on her bed. She really didn't have the energy to get back up again, but maybe she should at least go and see how Ichthys was doing downstairs. Slowly getting up and off the bed, she walked downstairs. Ichthys was still intently watching the T.V, but he was watching something completely different now.

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