"Okay, I had enough! Samantha, Ryan, listen. Can't we all just forget about that one night and move on." I vacillated.

They both exchange faces. I can tell that shocked Ryan base on the way he looked at us. Neither one of them could properly make eye contact. Everyone knew about that big scene. I was crying and shouting while Ryan tried chasing after me. Maybe it could be the reason why they're both ashamed.

"She does make a point Ryan." Samantha spluttered.

"Cool! I'm ready to move on." Ryan shrugged his shoulders. "Are you?"

"Totally! A new chapter added to my birthday wishes!" Samantha pledge.

Finally. Now we can all move on.

"Great. Group hug!" I cheered. I wrapped an arm around my boyfriend and another arm around Samantha. I pulled them in for a tight group hug causing them to yelp. We all burst out of laughter and departed from our group hug. Samantha leaned on my locker while Ryan got ahold of switching positions.

"So you wouldn't mind we can hang out as friends? We should hang too." Samantha asked.


No idiot! You just told them let's move on.

I shook my head. "Of course not!" Everyone was never going to move past Halloween night if we didn't put in an effort. This time I wanted to trust and believe. Ryan has tried to prove his love for me. He was slowly regaining my love again. We weren't officially back together but then again we never broke up. We were just dating now, I still needed to heal. Time was supposed to heal everything.

I was saved by the bell when my thoughts swirled around in confusion. Samantha wanted guidance because she forgot where the main office was located but I had to get to my class early or else I'll miss out on the field trip. Ryan insists to escort Samantha there for guidance while I find my way to class. I was fine with that even though I was a little red but it's exactly what we all needed to be able to move on. If I'm going to date Ryan I have to get used to seeing his ex-girlfriend. Who knows if we share classes.

Brisk steps through the hallways and into its green classrooms. There's an icing chill in the air and the sounds of chatter in each classroom. I caught up with Harry near the classroom door when everyone was entering. We both hugged and entered inside together. Mr. Finley requested the class to meet up this period so we could be excused from our other classes. The classroom windows were wide opened when you entered. Almost telling us that winter is really here. I began to stare at the leaves on the naked tree branch slowly turning brown and the windows dappled with rain. The janitor was ranking the colorful leaves into a pile. A thin scent from the rain smelled moist. It was beautiful, all the green foliage, fading into the winter air. A wonderland.

Amy was already seated in the middle aisle next to a group of classmates that was debating on a popular topic. I paste a small smile and Harry followed from behind. They both shared this class trip with me today.

"Attention class! Almost everyone is here!" Mr. Finley announced after taking the attendance. Everyone began to settle down when our teacher stood in front of the board. "We will be heading to the zoo soon! So, I ask that everyone grab everything! We will depart from school ground in five more minutes and return to school by the seventh period hopefully!"

"Are we taking public transportation?" Gretchen, another classmate, asked.

"Unfortunately no! There are too many of you so there will be a cheese bus ready to escort us outside." Mr. Finley replied, checking the clock. "Anyone who has to go use the bathroom use it NOW! Our bus driver will not make any stops!"

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