(44) New Years

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"Ice skating." I pulled my dad's old skates out of the bag and handed them to Nathan. Hopefully those fit. He looked down at the skates like they were a foreign object.

"What do you get me into, woman." He sighed and I bit down on my lip to keep from laughing as I pulled my own out.

"Just put them on. Have you ever been?" I questioned, although I was guessing the answer was now. I sat down on a frozen patio chair and started putting my shoes on.

"Hell no." He grumbled, although complied with my instructions to put them on. He grabbed his own chair and put the shoes on.

"Great. There's a first time for everything." I pressed my hands to my thighs to hoist myself up, and held my hand out to Nathan. He glared at my hand, before taking it and I quickly had to go from looking down at him to looking up at him as he stood in his six foot something glory. The shoes made him appear even taller, as if that was possible.

"I don't know why I even agreed to do this." He grumbled under his breath but I heard it.

"Because, it's fun. Hold onto my hands though, so you don't fall." I told him. Nathan wasted no time grabbing onto both of my hands and I ignored the warm tingle I felt from his touch. The familiar flutter in my stomach and heart almost knocked the wind out of me, but I covered it up by taking a deep breath.

"I doubt you can keep both of us from falling, sunshine, if I fall you're coming down with me." Nathan said and I couldn't keep the grin off my face.

"If you fall then that'll be the perfect image after I fell yesterday." Nathan's shoulders started softly shaking as he tried to stifle his laugh.

I rolled my eyes and tugged at his hands, keeping my feet spread apart and angled so as not to lose my balance. When I pulled us onto the ice, Nathan's grip on my hands became deadly. I would've laughed if I wasn't in so much pain. Damn this guy had a good grip.

"You're okay." I tried not to sound amused. Nathan almost looked terrified. His hazel eyes were wide and he was pressing his lips together. It was strange seeing him like this, usually he was the one who always had the upper hand.

Though, we were now on my territory. What I was familiar with. I was a dancer and a gymnast growing up, which made it easier to find balance and glide into ice skating quicker than anyone else in my family.

"Okay. This was fun. Let's go." Nathan tried not to sound scared and I grinned and tugged on his hands.

"Oh no, we just got out here. You can relax you know, you move so much more freely on the ice when you're relaxed." I told him, but it didn't seem like he cared to relax. He was still stiff as a board.

I rolled my eyes, sighing, as I moved a little, taking him with me. Maybe some movement would do him some good. Nathan let out a breath and looked down at my feet before mimicking what I had been doing.

"Good." I knew he would catch on. From the time I've known him, Nathan's always been quick on his feet. He always thought fast and knew what to do. I knew it wouldn't take him long to figure out how to ice skate.

"Okay. This isn't so bad." He said and I nodded with a smile.

"It's really not. It's even fun. It's so relaxing just gliding on the ice." I felt confident that he was ready to start moving again and I did simple strokes on the ice, taking him with me.

I looked down at his feet, and started to glide my hands out of his. I would miss the warmth he provided, but I wanted to see how he would do without me.

Taking my hands out of his had surprised him, and Nathan grabbed onto my waist, surprising me as well and I lost my balance. I let out a surprised squeal and closed my eyes, waiting for the fall. I knew I would fall on my ass and hurt it again. It was already sore from yesterday, dammit.

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