Start from the beginning

"I can— I can help! Let me help! I'm really strong and I'm... sticky!"

"I need you to lead it away from the canals!" The fishbowl guy said and flew away under the bridge.

"I said that first, but whatever," Jade said to herself and followed the man.

The monster followed after him as well, going through a small and tight canal that was destroying all the buildings.

"He's really not helping," Jade said, continuing to fly after them, seeing Peter was fixing all the falling buildings.

While the guy was leading the monster out the canals, he was also leading it into the market square area.

"How is this better?!" Jade shouted as she landed on the ground and formed out of her Iron Armor into her regular suit.

She tried out the spell Strange used on the Hudson a few months ago. She pulled most of the water towards the monster, but it was harder to control walking water than normal water.

"It's Iron Lightning!" Someone close by shouted.

Looking at who it was, Jade saw there was a small group of teens hiding under a shaded area, but it wasn't just some teens, it was Jade's school mates.

Her eyes widened at the sight of them, of course, they had to be here, she thought to herself.

"You guys need to get out of here!" She shouted, trying to hold back the water. She looked to see Flash holding up his phone, videoing the whole thing. Now?!

Then the sound of a bell went off. Jade looked up to see the bell tower cracked and falling. She noticed two strings were holding onto different buildings to keep it up.

"Zoom in!" Jade said and VERONICA zoomed in to see it was Peter holding the tower by himself.

But Jade watched as Peter ran into the bell and fell over, losing his grip on the web strings, and the tower slowly beginning to fall. Without thinking, Jade created a shield-like force spell to hold the tower while also holding the water spell still.

"How is she doing that?" Jade could hear a student ask.

Jade looked at the fishbowl guy, he held his hands up and a green triangle slowly spun in front of him then another one formed behind the monster's head. Suddenly, green smoke wrapped around the monster's neck and held him back.

"Who is that guy?" A student asked.

"I don't know but he's kicking that water's ass!" The familiar voice of Brad Davis said.

The monster broke free from the Fish Bowl's grip and it knocked Jade a little off-balance, making the tower start to fall more. She pushed with everything she had to keep the tower from crushing the buildings below.

Fish Bowl created two more triangles that grabbed the monster's hands, pulled his arms back, and ripped him in half. A sudden boom followed after, throwing Jade and Peter off balance and the tower falling on the ground.

Jade was knocked to the ground and water splashed everywhere. She looked up to see that the water monster was gone— that's it? Fish Bowl landing right in front of Jade, looking down at her.

She and most of everything was soaking wet, but the guy wasn't. That made Jade's eyebrows scrunch together— weird. She stayed on the ground, looking at him with a confused look— this guy really is giving weird vibes. He didn't even try to help me up!

The students behind the two clapped and cheered for the guy, he turned around and stood there for a moment before taking off into the sky.

"You okay, ma'am?"

Jade turned to see who it was; Harry. Why was he literally everywhere?

"I'm fine!" Jade said quickly, getting up from the ground and noticing her breathing quickened. "Just wet."

Harry laughed. Then it hit her; Peter.

"Get your friends back to your hotel and stay there," she said fast and smiled at Harry before running off towards the destroyed bell tower.

"Pete!" She called worriedly. "Please be alive, please be alive..." she whispered.

"Jade?" He called back.

She looked over to see him laying against some bricks, soaking wet as well. She smiled brightly as she ran up to him, he stood up and she wrapped her arms around him in joy that he wasn't dead.

"Are you okay?" She asked, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest.

"I'm okay," he said out of breath. "Soaked, but okay. Are you?"

"I'm fine," she sighed, taking a step back from him.

"Who was that guy?" He asked.

"I don't know,"


wow 🤩

How about adore?

I have been editing future chaps and I'm so excited 😭

Iron Lightning; Valuable [ II ] P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now