9 years ago
"Bella, let's get out sweetheart! It's your first day of big kid school! Are you excited?!"
"Yeah! I get to see Noah and his friends."
"And, you'll make new friends too. Come, let's brush our teeth and do our hair." I dried her off and put her in the cutest outfit and helped her get ready.
"Mommy, I'm gonna have fun?"
"Yes, you will! You'll have recess and you'll get to play outside. Isn't that great?"
"Yep. I gotta go eat! We gotta go." When we got to the school she immediately made a new friend, Abbie.
"Bye, Mommy! I'll see you later! I'm gonna talk to Abbie." She started to draw on her sheet of paper and the pair giggled and talk to each other. She's forgotten about me already.
"Bye honey. Be good!"
"I'm always good! Go to work or you'll be late!" Part of me wanted to just scoop her up and take her home, but she was growing up and I had to let it take its course.

"I'm glad you guys made it! Thank you for coming!"
"Of course! We wouldn't miss it."
"Exactly, I had to be here to find out which high school my princess is going to."
"Thanks, Uncle Fin." She said with a sense of embarrassment.
"Bella Benson?"
"Right here." Ms.Hoffman smiled and handed her several letters.
"I feel like I just won the lottery!" We all laughed. Her friends came over and she began to talk to them.
"We're all going to open them together so we know who got into where right away."
"Got it."
"Look these envelopes are the same color. I think it's the same school." Hannah said.
"Me too." Paisley said.
"Now you're just trying to make me antsy." I looked up at Elliot who couldn't stop smiling. He looks so happy.
"8th graders, we will now begin the countdown. When we say go, you may open your letters." I took out my phone and began to record.
"This is so embarrassing."
Opening Our Letters (9:45 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
"Go!" I rushed to open the letters I got. Okay, let's see! I'm so nervous. Woah, I got into Dalton! Maybe I can see Kayla and Jayden there. Let's see the other schools!
"Where else did you get in?"
"I got into Dwight, Brearley, Calhoun, and Avenues! Oh my goodness! Avenues is like light years ahead of Trinity!" I said to my parents. I ran off to be in a group with my friends and we were all crying. I hugged my friends.
"I got into Stuyvesant and Townsend Harris for my public schools. Woah. I got a 679 on my SHSAT exam." I told my friends.
"I'm so proud of you! I got into Avenues and Calhoun so we have that in common!" Hannah said to me.
"Really! That's awesome! What about you guys?!" I asked the rest of my friends.
"We got into Avenues and Dwight. It's a twin thing." Paisley and Paxton said.
"Alright, this is good so far!" Hannah exclaimed with a sense of excitement.
"Oh my god, I got into Avenues with you guys!" I read Leah's acceptance letter.
"Me too! I got into Dalton and Avenues!" Sapphire said.
"Jake, what about you?" I asked while getting out of the view of my parents.
"I got into Avenues too! So did Evan and Ethan!"
"Sweet! Kylie, Hilary, what about you?!" Sapphire asked while trying to read their papers. I could see a frown on their faces.
"Did you guys not get in?!" I asked. They showed me their papers. Spence and York. We don't have anything in common.
"I'm so sorry guys." Kylie never wanted to apply to York in the first place, she only did because her Mom forced her.
"Kylie, you got into York! That's amazing!" Mrs. Ashcroft cheered.
"Get away from me, Mom!" She pushed her mother away and ran off. Everyone in the group felt horrible. They were the only ones in our group to not get into the same schools as we did. My Mom and Dad tried to console Mrs.Ashcroft but she got upset too. This isn't the happily forever after we all wanted.
"I'll be right back guys." I went over to my friends and hugged them all before leaving, telling them how proud I was of all of them individually before going off to my family.
"Bella, we're so proud of you! You got into the best schools in Manhattan, you're no failure Bella Danielle Margaret Benson, and I don't want to ever hear you say that again. You hear me?!" Elliot said before giving me a hug and a kiss.
"Were so very proud and happy for you! So proud that Amanda and I got you a little something special."
"Uncle Fin and Aunty Amanda, you didn't have to." My eyes began to water.
"No, you deserve it! You've been through so much and you're maturing into a wonderful young lady, I can't believe my princess Bella is going to high school. You were this tall the other day!" Uncle Fin told me before hugging me.
"Uncle Fin, are you getting emotional?!"
"No, I'm not."
"I'm not buying it." My Mom said.
"Where did Anna go?!" I asked.
"She had to go back to work, she's sorry she couldn't congratulate you again, but she left you a congratulatory gift."
"You guys are too much, but thank you again for coming and supporting me."
"You're very welcome!" My Mom's expression soon changed into a forced smile. Ummm.. is she okay? I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.
"Bella! I heard you got into Avenues." Maria said. For a second I forgot her stepson goes to school with me, ugh.
"I did. Who told you that?"
"One of Adrian's friends, but that doesn't matter, I'm so proud of you. Doing so well despite everything." Despite everything you put me through. You were supposed to protect me from harm's way and you failed to that. I don't even want to call Maria my mother. She isn't worthy of it.
"Yeah...thank you."
"We're planning on celebrating this weekend, would you like to stop by?"
"I'd love to, but I have a master class this weekend and a sleepover, I'm sorry."
"That's okay, we could always make it up. Bye, Bella." Elliot never actually went for the no-contact order, did he?
"Are you okay, Bell?"
"Yeah, I'm alright!"
"Good. Go grab your things and tell your friends goodbye until later."
"Wait, why?"
"We've signed you out silly! You're not learning today."
"That's right! Okay, let me tell everyone goodbye, I'll be back!"
Applebee's (East 70th Street) (5:21 PM) (Jake's Perspective)
Our parents decided to take my friends and me out to celebrate today. Earlier on was a bit tense, but now everyone was in high spirits.
"I swear every time we go to a damn restaurant you order chicken tenders. Grow up." Hilary said to Preston.
"You're just mad because I have good taste." I laughed. Bella was sitting to the left of me, watching everyone talk to each other. I looked over at Bella and she seemed to be staring into space. I tapped her shoulder.
"Huh?!" She seemed really freaked out.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just thinking. Hannah, tell everybody what happened when we hung out for Valentine's Day!"
"Omg, yes!" Hannah preceded to tell the story and everyone at the table was laughing.
"Jake tell them how you nearly knocked over some books." She insisted with a smile. She had this look on her face that said, 'just go along with it, I'll tell you the truth later.' Yet for some reason, I wasn't completely buying it. I know Bella, she only spaces out when something's going on. I gotta figure this out. In the meanwhile though, I wanted to celebrate.
"Class of 2023!" We said while raising our glasses.
"You guys are the best. I love you all, no matter how annoying you are. I wish you guys the best, and I trust that we'll all choose the school that's best for us." Paisley said before sipping her strawberry Fanta.

To be continued~

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