Twenty Seven - Gloomy Jungkook

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yeah?" Namjoon almost panicked at the younger's sudden order, turning to look at Jungkook before looking at Seokjin, who was still standing next to his door. He wanted to carry out the younger's command, but he was afraid Seokjin would say otherwise.

But he felt relieved when he saw the elder nod in agreement to what Jungkook had asked of him, and he quickly buckled his seatbelt, ready to drive the car away.

Jimin rubbed his chest to relieve his anxiety and fear over Seokjin discovering the 'truth' just a moment ago. He'd almost laugh at himself for panicking because there was nothing to panic about because the elder was obviously only concerned about his younger brother.

Jimin snorted lowly at the thought before casting his gaze out the window to wave his hand at Seokjin and slightly bow to the man as a farewell, "See you next week," he said before bringing up the window and finally seizing the opportunity to let out a long and deep sigh.

"Why can't we just stay at home?~" he terribly mumbled, which only him that understands it.

He yawned tightly as he felt tiredness wrap around his body and looked over at Jungkook, who was sitting quietly beside him. He silently studied Jungkook's side profile for a long time, but he couldn't capture the emotion that the boy was feeling.

Then, he decided to break the icy-awkward-and-silence-moment.

"Jungkook, what was that?" he asked, pointing his finger directly to Jungkook's leather bag in between the boy's long legs, and immediately drew Jungkook's attention to him.

Jungkook spared his glances to look at Jimin, attempting to give the latter a soft look, but he couldn't help but look annoyed at the moment. "What?" he asked, tilting his head slightly with his single left brow up.

"The thing your brother gave to me earlier. What is that for? I thought you said you're already okay." said Jimin as he remembered the arguments they were having during breakfast.


Jimin: Jungkook, I don't think you should go on this trip in your condition right now.

Jungkook: What? What are you talking about?

Jimin: Don't be that clueless about what I've just said.

Jungkook: I'm going.

Jimin: Yah, your fever might get worse—

Jungkook: New Face, I'm not a kid anymore. What are you? My Mom?

Jimin: I'm your grandfather. Stay at home instead. Why are you so stubborn?

Jungkook: I'm all fine now what makes you think I'm not? Shut up and eat, Grandpa. We have to go after this.

Jimin: Go where? Didn't I said you should just stay at home?!

Jungkook: Aish! What is wrong with you? I'm the head of this program, of course, I have to go.

Jimin: But you have your other team members to handle it! Don't lie! I know that.

Jungkook: Eat, New Face. That's the end, I'm going and no more complaints about it.

Jimin: Is it because *Cough* because you're worried about Hye-Joo? If it is, you don't have to worry about it. I can look after her for you or you can ask Taehyung to take care of her. or Hoseok.

Jungkook: See see, you're still coughing. Yet you want me to stay at home? Don't ever think I'll let you go without me.


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