Chapter 40: C-Note Does Something For Once

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Ellie wiped her eyes like there were tears streaming down. There obviously wasn't but she tricked herself into thinking there was with how emotional she was getting.

"Boyd, I know I am a horrible mother. You have no idea how long ago I realized that. I was hoping you would never view me that way or realize that yourself, but it was only a matter of time and now we are here. Just a lot sooner than I had expected." She now looked away from him too. She couldn't bring herself to keep staring at him. It only made her confession harder on her. "You deserve a way better family and a normal life. I will never be able to provide that. To be honest, you should not even call me your mother. I mean that. You never asked for me in your life, I just showed up against your will and adopted you without you even knowing me when all you wanted from the very beginning was Dr. Gearloose to be your true family alone. Not me and definitely not Mark. That was very wrong of me to do that to you. I was just desperate and I never think about how another person feels." She paused because she had to get herself under control. She didn't want to start sobbing in front of him. "All I can say is that I am so sorry. About everything. There are too many things for me to apologize for separately. But I am especially sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier."

Ellie ended her rant there and let the room sink into silence once more. Whether Boyd was going to respond or not was his choice and she wasn't going to ask him to.

The room was silent for a while. Ellie could tell that he was coming up with something to say. His eyes suggested he was in deep thought while occasionally darting back and forth as if he was reading. He soon closed his eyes and sighed before opening them again only to stare at the floor. "Back at that camp Glomgold put us in...I- I don't think I was thinking clearly because of how scared I was. Dr. Gearloose pretended that he didn't know me and you, a stranger, adopted me without any question. It's strange to think about it that way but I suppose we all weren't in the right frame of mind at the time." He paused again "I know you mean well. I know you want what's best for me and you are only looking out for me but you always turn around and bring out the worst of yourself in front of me. I know you kill people. And I know you've killed more than I can remember. Probably because you had Dr. Gearloose erase some of my memories. You took my own memories away without asking." That last statement Boyd assumed to be true. Really, he wasn't sure if he gave them permission or not to erase his memories because he forgot. "I just- everything that has happened... I only want people to listen to me. I want to be able to make my own choices." He finished on that note because that was what he truly wanted Ellie to know.

It was a damning feeling; the guilt that had started to crush Ellie was something she never felt before, and it felt very literal.

"I did ask Dr. Gearloose to erase most of your traumatic memories, Boyd. All ones caused by Mark and I."

Ellie figured he deserved to know the memories he lost if he was aware. And she wasn't going to dare refer to Mark as his father when explaining anything. Nor was she going to refer to herself as his mom, because it wasn't true.

"I am not sure of all the memories Dr. Gearloose erased, but I do know the ones he did erase were when we had to take down more gang members on the ship, gang members that had kidnapped you and Gloria. Also there was another time when Mark took you to a strip club and I ended up tackling him right in front of you. There is more but those are the only two examples I can think of at the moment." It was true. Too much shit had happened to remember everything. Not to mention her memories of Steelbeak were erased so she wasn't even counting that. "Oh. I also attempted to kill Glomgold by shoving him overboard in front of you while you were having a mental breakdown so..." She paused. "There are also a lot of organics I have killed either before I knew you or when you were not present. But you already know that."

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