21-Am I In Heaven

Start from the beginning

"Offed a what? I.. I was on a hunt" Garth says.
"Hunt for what?" Sam asks.
Garth looks at them, "Oh, god, on no, get back" he says as he starts gagging, then rushes out of the bed and for the bathroom where they hear him getting sick.
"Good thing I didn't give him the adrenaline" Dean says.

The three of them sit there waiting for Garth who was still getting sick in the bathroom, "Anything on Gadreel?" Dean then asks Sam and Calliope.
"Actually, yeah. Turns out, he.. he left some grace in me before he bolted" Sam tells him.

"You know how wrong that sounds, right?" Dean says.
"I wouldn't worry about it, Cass took care of it" Sam tells him.
"Hmm" Dean then says.
"What?" Sam asks.

"Nothing, I'm gone for two weeks and you're like an episode of Teen Mom" he says.
They hear Garth continue to throw up, "Just breathe Garth, work it out" Dean calls out to him.

Calliope then notices something on Dean's arm, and she grabs his arm, and pulls his sleeve up, "What happened Dean?" she asks him.
"Oh, uh, that's a gift from Cain" he tells her.
"Like... the wrestler?" Sam asks.

Dean scoffs, "I wish, that would be awesome. Uh, no, the... the Old Testament dude. He got all biblical on me and gave me his mark" Dean tells them, and Calliope lets go of his arm.
"What do you mean gave you his mark? How did this even happen?" Calliope then asks.

"Crowley and I found him and he gave me this, so that I could 86 Abaddon, once and for all" Dean says to her.
"You worked a job with Crowley?" Sam asks.
"The devil you know" Dean says.

Just then they realize that it had gotten quiet in the bathroom, "Garth?" Sam calls out.
"What?" Dean asks and they look toward the bathroom door. Dean knocks it open and they see Garth gone, and the window wide open. "Son of a bitch" Dean remarks as they take off.

"Why would Garth run from us?" Dean asks Sam as they head outside the hospital.
"Why haven't we heard from him in the past six months?" Sam then asks, "Did you test him?" he then asks Dean.

"He was unconscious! No, I.. Did he steal a car?" Dean says as they look around.
"Uh, did he steal a car while being naked?" Calliope asks as they see Garths hospital gown in the middle of the parking lot. She then notices a security camera, "I can go see what I can find on the camera.  Why don't one of you canvas the parking lots, and one of you go talk to Farmer Brown, go see about that cow" Calliope says to them.

Dean smiles at her, "Missed when you bossed us around" he says to her.
"Yeah, well you chose to walk away" she says as she walks away from him.
"Callie... Callie..." he calls out to her as she heads back inside the hospital.

"No, Dean, I don't want to hear anything from you. You told me not to come with you. You turned me away, and then you go galivanting off with Crowley" she says to him.

"I know.... I know I did. Because I was an ass, and didn't let the woman I love come with me. I meant what I said though Calliope, everyone around me dies. You died, you died to save me, and that killed me inside" he says to her.
"And now here I am back in your life. We were just starting to get back into things Dean, and then everything with Sam and Gadreel happened, and you and Sam got into your usual Sam and Dean Winchester fight, and I usually butt out of those, but this time you and  I are something and I should have left with you" she says to him.

"I'm sorry" he says to her.
"I just want to know, once you figure out about your friend Garth, who should I be going with you or Sam?" she asks him.
"I'm hoping you will come with me" he then says to her.
"That's the answer I wanted" she says as she then kisses him.

Calliope and Dean manage to get into look at the security cameras where they see  Garth getting into to a car. They print of the still shots and start to leave the hospital, when Dean's cell rings, "yeah" he answers.
"So the cow wasn't killed, it was eviscerated" Sam tells him.
"Why was Garth there?" Dean then asks.

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