Hate? Pt 2 (Roman & Remus)

Start from the beginning

"Own that shit"


Remus stared at Virgil as he turned to look Remus in the eye.

"You said it, own it, own it like everything else you do and say"

Virgil paused before beginning to ramble.

"Wait— that came off really insensitive, i'm so sorry, I'm so fuckin' dumb oh my god-"

"No, please you have a point" Remus said beginning to laugh before sitting up on the bed.

"Can you please come with me to the house? I forgot to grab my phone among other things"

Virgil nodded before getting up and throwing on his hoodie following Remus to his house.


Janus ran his fingers through this boyfriends hair as he slept. Whatever happened seemed to really bother Roman, he seen him cry plenty of times before but not like this. The tension in the house was weirder than usual, Janus was used to the usual Remus vs his father but he wasn't even here and it still felt like you can cut the air with a knife.

Roman began to slowly stir in his sleep before finally deciding on sitting up with a stretch.

"Mi amor" Roman said after registering Janus presence and crawling back in to his arms.

"Hi darling" Janus kissed Romans forehead as they sat back in to their silence.

"Did Remus come back yet?"

"No, I could text Virgil if you like though"

"Virgil? What would Virgil know?"

"Did you forget about their massive gay goth crush on one another? It's disgusting"

Janus said with a shudder at the thought.

"I- I completely forgot, Virgil has an actual crush on him?"

"Oh god, I see why I made the first move, oblivion must run in the family huh?"

Janus smirked as he watched Roman smile weakly at his joke.

"Yeah love, definitely"

Janus wasn't sure what to say until there was a bang from the next room over than giggles causing both him and Roman to jump up rushing to Remus room. Upon opening the door they both seen the Virgil pulling a blunt bursting into a fit of coughs, when he realized the door opened causing Remus to laugh holding his stomach.

"Now that was gold" Remus said attempting to stand straight.

"So we're smoking pot now? Without me? I'm offended" Janus stated trying to lighten the situation.

"Wasn't exactly aware of your presence" Remus said rolling his eyes playfully but than they landed on Roman who still looked... really hurt.

Virgil eyed them before him and Janus doing a mutual head nod and leaving the room.

"I'm sorry

Remus started first with Roman finishing, the two looked at each other making Remus snort and Roman crack a smile.

"Lemme get all the sappy crap off my chest first please" Remus said sitting on his still messy bed with Roman for the first time accompanying him.

"Pft that's a first- shit i'm getting distracted- I mean um, I truly am sorry Ro, I don't actually hate you-"

Remus looked up at Roman attempting to meet his eyes but couldn't help but to keep looking away blinking away tears that dared to prick his eyes.

"I don't know why i said it, I say a lot of things but the truth is I'm jealous, angry? But I shouldn't have outbursts towards you like that and um I apologize"

Remus finally stared Roman right in the eye who had a tear falling out of his right eye.

"Well I'm not exactly the best brother either, I did dismiss you and fathers issues and I neglected you as a person, I promised to you as a kid that I would protect you and be there like your prince in shining armor but I abandoned you every time you needed me-"

A tear finally rolled out of Remus's left eye but he quickly wiped it away and more tears came down Romans face.

"So i understand why you were angry with me, I do, and it hurts me thinking about it"

Roman sighed and laid back on Remus bed hearing the covers have an odd crunch causing him to raise an eyebrow at Remus who laughed.

"I promise it's a chip bag but can—"


Roman said not hearing the rest of Remus's sentence who tried to repeat it again but failed even harder than last time causing him to huff.


He finally yelled looking away in embarrassment. Roman smiled at his brother before pulling him into his arms.

"Come on baby brother—"

"Shut the fuck up or i'll gut you"

Remus said quickly before resting his head on Romans chest glaring at the golden zipper of his varsity jacket.

"I'm gonna nap" Remus mumbled getting comfortable and sending a text to Virgil cueing him and Janus to come in.

"We're definitely cuddle piling right?" Janus asked making himself comfortable in Romans other arm while Virgil crawled over into Remus arms.

"You already know it baby" Roman responded while the other two gagged.

"Oh? Please enlighten us what do you guys call each other"

"Well that's my dumbass-" Virgil started.

"And that's my scary bitch" Remus finished with the other two staring at them in shock whilst themselves looked rather proud.

"I've lost all hope-" Roman said shaking his head.

I'm actually kinda concern because I think I kin Connor way too hard, like in every aspect—
So I kin Remus, Connor, and Moxxie what does that say about me? 💀

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