Prologue - The Event

Start from the beginning

The baby remained quiet but just as crimson was about to leave the alpha caught up with her. "I told you id find you." He said and she stared at him defiantly. He crept towards her and threw her down to the floor pinning her down by the throat. "Where is she!"he sneered and Crimson knew she was talking about the child. For the first time since she had been taken she spoke "you'll never find her!" She yelled at him unleashing his fury.

He howled and proceeded to rape her one last time. She fought him with all that she had but she was weak and he won. He hit her repeatedly without stopping until he realized she no longer moved. *she's dead* he thought and got up. "Dam kid where are you!" He yelled as he looked around but the baby made no noise. Suddenly he heared several wolfs coming his way. He stamped his foot down "hope you die, you little bitch" he said as he took off running into his own territory once againg leaving Crimson there.

"I heard a pair of wolfs fighting coming from our northern border sir." A wolf said to his alpha "It might just be a rougues trap but we gotta check it out." The alpha said as several of his guards ran behind him in the direction of the strange howling. After a few long minutes they got to the clearing where the noise had comed from and gasped at the sight in front of them. "Oh my god, Sir! Is she dead?" A guard asked her as they saw a young and beautiful wolf in nothing but rags laying on the ground in one bloody heap.

The alpha crepped towards the girl and touched her causing Crimson to open her eyes weakly. "My baby please my baby..." she whispered and as if on cue Lilly began to wail. "A child sire that's the cry of a child!" A wolf said as everyone started looking around until someone found her in the hollow of a tree wrapped also in rags. "Bring her here."the alpha said and they handed the baby to the girl. "Lilly my baby....please..."Crimson whispered in ragged breaths.

The alpha looked at her kindly "we'll watch over your daughter. Rest now relax everything will be ok now." he said trying to reassure her. Crimson smiled she knew his words were lies she was dying and she knew it but he was just trying to comfort her. "Mate..."she whispered so only he could hear her and he bent down to touch foreheads with her. "Mate..." he whispered in her ear. After all the suffering she had found his mate just now when she lay dying.

She handed her baby girl to him and sighed before closing her eyes for the last time. He held the baby girl close to him and raised his head to sky before yelling to the sun. The guards looked at him confused before looking at the she wolf and nodding in understandment. This deceased young shewolf was there alphas mate and although the alpha was already mated this shewolf was his soulmate. The wolf he was meant for.

The alpha got up from the ground holding the baby tenderly and handed her to Jared his most trusted guard. "I know you and your mate are unable to concieve but if you desire you might keep this child. Her name is lilly." He said and Jared took the baby "thank you alpha my mate would be most pleased." Jared said taking the baby in his arms. The alpha picked up the bloody body of the now deceased crimson and started walking back towards his pack houe with everyone behind him in human form.

After they got to the pack house they got surrounded by everyone and he handed of her body to there mortuary. "A funeral of fit of me." He said and everyone scrambled to follow his wishes. The luna looked at him with anger but said nothing. Jared took the baby girl home and gave her his last name Riverdale. As predicted Jared's mate was happy to have a pup of her own. They called the medic to check her over and make sure the baby was healthy or not.

The medic gave them the all clear. "She has no bite mark or sign of being a turned but she is a wolf and that only means she's a pureblood wolf both parents were wolfs." This made Jared and his mate happy. "Thank you medic." Jared said and as the packs medic departed leaving them alone. The next few days were spent preparing crimsons funeral a funeral fit for an Alpha. The luna was outraged but she couldn't over rule the strong alphas command at all.

In europe the Crimsons father made a decree. "I, Alec Krieger will not step down as alpha until the moment in time when my daughter returns." His whole pack agreed with his decision and so it was widely known that once Crimson returned she would be Alpha. Whoever mated her would in turn take command along with her and if her mate was an alpha there packs would be able to combine and become stronger than any pack in the world.

Crimson became a coveted possession for some but to her parents she was still there only child who they prayed would re turn to them one day. It would be several years until they found out the whereabouts of there daughter and there grandaughter who had been born with unknown special powers. For the next sixteen years lilly would grow in a pack which wasn't hers unaware of her true origins. Her mother buried with an alphas stature and mourned as such. Crimsons parents would've approved. From then several years would pass until the truth was uncovered and so the mystery of Crimsons disappearance became a ticking time bomb that would one day explode. Until then her parents would spend all there free time looking for her.

****So what do you think? Is this story good should i continue or just let the story die off? Well let me know

:) Guys vote comment and all that good stuff you know what to do****

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