55. A proud general

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"General, the Aqueduct has dried up. No water flow is coming at all," reports a soldier.

Jennie touches her table. She is staring at a map. The water from Aqueduct has come from a nearby river. Someone must have blocked the water flow. It's definitely an ambush. Namseo troops would be stationed there to kill them.

Hak-kun was right. The enemy would cut off their water supplies first. Too bad they have been prepared. They have five wells in the city. Enough to sustain everyone here.

Dry up Aqueduct.

She asks, "How low is the water level in Aqueduct?"

"It will be completely dry in few more hours."

"Hmm...call General Hoseok."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Hoseok asks, "You called me?"

"Your preparations?"

"We have sealed off two tunnels leads outside. The other one has been left intact. Just like your order."

"Good. This is what we shall do..."

It's late at night. The Aqueduct is dry like an ordinary tunnel. It's very easy for a small troop to walk into the city.

Kim Jong-hyun sneers. It's like taking a candy from a baby.

Dongbuk Kingdom never win against their country in the past. It's amazing they just keep trying.

They are almost get into the city. All they need to do is to climb stairs upward from this Aqueduct.

Suddenly a woman says, "Kim Jong-hyun. They call you JR as Jong the Reaper. You are dumber than they said."

Oil jars are thrown from above them. Their bodies are covered with oil. Fire arrows are shot from above. They got burned alive. There is no other choice than to flee for their life. Back to the end of the Aqueduct tunnel.

Jennie yells, "Well done eggs! I just love dimwits!"

JR grits his teeth. He has rolled on the ground like a pathetic dog to kill the flames. All of his men got toasted alive.

"Jennie! I shall never forget this!"

One of her subordinates asks, "Ma'am, shall we pursue them?"

"No. I want to nail him alive. A promise to a friend."

She looks around her.

She orders, "Cover this Aqueduct with planks. Don't let a single rat come out of this hole again."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Jennie leaves the Aqueduct. Men think women are pretty useless in Dongbuk Kingdom. They are wrong. Women are more diligent than man.

Hoseok has been waiting outside her bedroom.

He asks, "How is it going?"

"Toasted. Well done."

Jenni opens the door into her bedroom. Hoseok follows her. She closes the door.

Hoseok asks, "What's our next plan?"

"I think we shall do this..."

Outside the bedroom, one of the female soldiers says, "He went in again. Are they dating? He spent at least one or two hours in there."

"Nothing is wrong. They are both singles. Having an affairs won't hurt anyone."

"General Jennie is so cool. Only someone like Saint General could keep up with her lust."

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now