43. Reward and punishment

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Jennie walks while inspecting her soldiers. Twenty village women. Their faces are hardened by weather. They have strong physical bodies due hard work in the rice fields. Lack motivation to train.

She asks, "Why you have stop practice again?"

Finally the tallest one replies, "It's impossible. We could never be soldiers."

Reward and punishment. That's what the King has said.

Jennie warns, "Today we will go training again. Ten laps running around the Queen's palace."

All the women groan in unison.

Jennie says, "The first five winners shall be granted two meat dishes for lunch and dinner. They will be given a chance to be head of platoons later."

It seems the military rank gains their attention. A head of platoon. The salary will be bigger than ordinary soldiers.

A female soldier asks, "What's the point? We couldn't kill other human being. We won't be sent to war."

Jennie asks, "Do you want to protect your family?"

The soldiers are silent.

The general continues, "The King will assign us to guard cities. It's our duty to keep our families safe. If you could fight, you could protect your children. Your home."

The women seem to be thinking right now.

Jennie asks, "You know what would happen to women if our city got taken, do you? Do you want your children to become slaves?"

A woman says, "We don't trust a Barbarian like you."

"Your King has chosen me. Why? Because I'm a woman. No man shall teach you how to fight and defend your home."


"The Barbarian regions have submitted to Dongbuk Kingdom. It is a part of your country now. We are from the same Kingdom. That's all you need to understand."

Finally a woman stretches her legs.

She comments, "I want to be a platoon leader. My son is growing up. He will need money to go to school."

Another woman stretches her body.

"My daughter could use bigger dowry money. The position is mine."

More and more women are aiming to be the platoon leaders. They are doing this for their families.

Jennie smiles. Finally there is a small progress in training.

She says, "We need to strengthen your physical bodies first. Ten laps. No complaint. Archery training starts in next hour."

She keeps encouraging her soldiers to move their fat lazy asses whenever they are too slow. Her words are still harsh but no more usage of her whip.

Yoon-gi smiles when he stares the practice from quite a distance.

It seems there is a bit of progress.

Jimin is playing with his turtles again.

The King says, "Next month, arrange them to practice in hillside outside the city. Her soldiers need to get tougher soon."

His son has finished his study. He is running toward his father.

"The teacher said I'm a good boy today."


Yoon-gi rubs his head. He has missed his progress too much.

The little prince is staring Jimin. He coughs few times.He slips a candy to his tiny hand. The prince smiles brightly to him.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now