4. Execution

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Yoon-gi is kneeling in the court. His hands are tied behind his back.

Palace soldiers have marches into the barrack before Dawn. He and five men who went to search for Tae have been arrested. As he has predicted, they are used to be witnesses against him.

The five men look to the ground. Their faces have bruises. They must have been tortured to make the wrong confession.

The historian would write down that Yoon-gi killed his own brother in cold blood.

Yoon-gi sneers to the judge.

He mocks, "Let's get it done, shall we? No need to waste your precious times, Your Excellency."

One of the witnesses apologizes, "General, I'm sorry..."

"No need. I know it would be like this. Take care of your families well. I'm off from this world."

The judge throws his verdict down. Execution by the canal where everyone  could see it.

Yoon-gi is the second Prince. His execution should have been done in the palace courtyard. Even in his last day, they denied his rights to be a member of the Royal Family.

He is pushed into a cage on a cart. Capital citizens are throwing rotten veggies and rotten eggs toward him. Cursing him as the demon. He was the one who ended the war. They despise him until the end.

Yoon-gi stares the canal.

He whispers, "This place. Tae, I hope I could see you again. Even for a glimpse of moment before you go to Heaven."

It's the same place Tae died last night.

The execution shall be performed at noon. An hour from now.

The five witnesses are staring down to the ground. They have come to see him for the last time. They are honest men. Condition forces them to betray him. Yoon-gi holds no grudge against them. If he was in their shoes, he would have done the same thing.

A teenager boy shakes his head when he is leaving the spot.

He mumbles, "I don't get it. Why the citizens hate him so much? He ended the war. Yes, he killed innocent civilians. He still ended the war..."

He walks back to his delipedated home. It used to be a grandious manor. After the owner lost their fortune and died, the government sealed this place. Only he lived here. He used a large hole on the wall as his entrance.

He treats the wounded teen boy he found from the canal side last night.

The guy stirs before he finally opens his eyes again. He blinks few times before he stares to his savior.

"Are you okay? Do you understand me? I'm Park Jimin. I found you at the canal side," says him.

The wounded guy nods his head. He tries to rise from the pile of straws.

Jimin warns, "Hey, don't move too much. You nearly died. I took the arrow of your back. Still you lost too many blood."

"I have to go back. People would be worried for me."

"I will tell your parents that you are safe. Where is your home?"

Long silence. No answer from him.

Jimin is disappointed. The guy looks like a rich snob kid from his fancy clothes. He has saved him, hoping to earn big reward money.

Jimin asks again, "Where is your home?"

Still no reply from him. The silence feels awkward for Jimin.

Jimin tries to open conversation with him.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now