34. Elimination

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The noblemen are gathered in a solitude place two miles outside Guoto city. It's time for elimination. The King won't allow greenhorns to participate in the battlefield. It's up to IU to choose the candidates.

Yoon-gi and his men are stationed near this spot.

IU claps her hands to gather their attention.

She orders, "Form a line. The King asked me to test your strength. Who is confident as archers?"

Tae and few other noblemen rise their hands.

IU points to the bows prepared for them. She points to the straw dummies ahead of them.

She orders, "Ten arrows. Shoot your foes."

Tae isn't as skillful as the other noblemen. He only hits five arrows to his dummy.

IU shakes her head. She knows he is the Third Prince. Well, better leave this fellow in Guoto city. He will only stall them later.

She asks, "Swordsmen, line up. Fight me with all you got. Ready?"

Jungkook asks, "All of us? Against only you? That wouldn't be fair."

"This is the King's order."

All the noblemen attack her at once. Except Jungkook. He doesn't make a single move.

IU defeats the other noblemen easily. She has chosen ten best warriors among them.

IU mocks, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No. I'm not a bully. That's all."

Jungkook draws his blade and attacks IU. His attacks are swift and deadly. If IU was an average fighter, she would have been slain easily.

Finally the duel ends with a tie. Both of their swords have grazed the opponent's neck.

IU says, "You pass. You shall join the King tomorrow morning."

Tae quickly says, "I will be going too."

IU mocks, "Not you. You shall be stationed in Guoto city as back up with the rest of the soldiers."

Jungkook says, "I will accompany Master Kim."

Tae walks closer to IU. He holds her hands and pleads with his eyes.

"Please, I can't stay there. I have to achieve something great in this life. Just give me the chance."

IU pulls her hands from his grasp.

She asks, "Why can't you stay home?"

"It's for the King."

What he has said suddenly make sense for Lee Ji Eun. She has known the undying ambition of the Dowager Queen. If she sent her men to capture Taehyung, she would usurp the throne. All shall be lost. The King's ambition to unify the continent shall be reduced to nothing.

IU finally says, "You could come too. No one should know who you are. Here, wear this mask. You too."

She gives them white masks.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now