28. A prisoner

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Yoon-gi is coughing. He has just awakened. His hands and legs are tied to the bed. He struggles but the binds are too strong. He couldn't break the rope.

His clothes has been changed. It looks like rags. At least they are clean and dry ones.

Where am I?

He looks around him. It looks like an unfurnished room. Only this bed and a desk. No other furniture.

I can't stay here. I must save Jimin and Nam Joon.

He tries again to break the bind. No use. It's too strong.

He yells angrily, "Let me out! Let me out!"

No one comes.

It's my fault. I shouldn't have brought them with me. I should have come alone. I should have knocked out Nam Joon and his men.

Yoon-gi is staring the ceiling. Counting in his heart. No one has come. It seems he has been forgotten. He stares around the room.

Finally a door creaks open. A teen boy walks into the room. He is carrying a small bucket filled with water. A rag in one hand.

Yoon-gi smirks.

He asks, "You know who I am?"

"Battlefield Demon."

"Right. I'm the King. Could you release me?"

"Wong Ja Hyung said he would kill anyone who released you."

Yoon-gi warns, "Holding a King as a hostage would result a death penalty."

"I don't care. We have been starving for years. Holding you will bring ransom to us. We would gladly die with full stomach."

It's no use to deceive him.

Yoon-gi asks, "What is this place?"

No reply from him.

Yoon-gi mocks, "I see. You are nothing but a bandit."

"We never attacked civilians! Unlike your men!"

"I've come to make things better."

"You are no different than those filthy crooks! An apple never stray far from the tree! You are just like your useless father!"

The boy uses a wet cloth to clean Yoon-gi's face. Or he might try to suffocate him alive. Because for a moment, the King couldn't breath at all.

Yoon-gi is coughing when the cloth finally leaves his face.

He asks, "Could you give me something to eat?"

"I'm sorry. Are you hungry, Your Majesty? Well, you better die from starvation. Just like my poor family."

The boy has left.

Yoon-gi grits his teeth. He pulls the bind as strong as he could. His wrists are bleeding. Still he couldn't break the bind. The ropes are new and strong. The bed is quite old.

He keeps kicking his feet to the bed. Stomping as hard as he could until the bed breaks. Finally the old bed breaks down.

Yoon-gi pulls the ropes from his hands. He stands behind the door. A guard comes in to check the commotion and he knocks him out. He grabs a club from the unconscious guard.

He isn't good with a club. It's better than having no weapon.


Yoon-gi grabs a farmer hat from a sleeping man. His hair is perfectly covered with the hat again. He tries to look another way whenever he encounters a bandit.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin