40. Shadow Moon

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Jimin stretches his back. He keeps on stretching. The King finally wakes up. Jimin quickly offers him a bucket of water and a hot towel.

Water is scarce in northern plain. It's impossible to take a bath regularly. Using cloth to clean body is the best option.

Yoon-gi orders, "Speak."

From Jimin's face expressions, he is dying to say something.

He says immediately, "Something strange going on in the Barbarian villages and cities. The tribesmen seem to welcome our troops more openly than months before."

Yoon-gi yawns.

He says, "Maybe the people got tired of Temujin."

Their troops have been advancing well toward Xanadu at the heart of grassland. Xanadu is the biggest city in the Northern Plain. It is also Temujin's stronghold.

If they could take Xanadu, they would have won 3/4 of the war.

Temujin must be desperate enough. His troops have been losing from the start.

Reinforcement troops from the capital also boosted Yoon-gi's troops moral. The King's army is growing in numbers.

IU has walked into the tent. Yoon-gi curses and quickly turns his back to face her. Jimin immediately stand behind the King to shield his naked body from her prying eyes.

The leader of Shadow Moon only comments, "Nothing I've never seen before."

As an assassin and a musician in Red Rose Inn, she is quite familiar with a man's naked body.

Yoon-gi wears his clothes back. He puts on his armor swiftly.

He asks, "Why are you here?"

"Good news. Bad news. You choose, Your Majesty."

"Bad news first."

"Temujin is preparing full assault on us just outside of Xanadu city. It will determine the winner of this war."

Yoon-gi nods his head. He has predicted this.

He asks, "Good news?"

"General Hyungsik has fully recovered. He is leading the next reinforcement troops from the capital city."

Yoon-gi closes his eyes. The image of mummified Hyungsik is still clearly imprinted in his mind.

He mocks, "You got the order wrong, IU. Hyungsik is coming here. It's bad news."

IU only smiles as if she knows the fear in his heart. Maybe she does know. Sometimes the King feels she could read his mind. It's a scary thought.

She says, "You should see for yourself. My agent said he has fully recovered."

"That would be a total relief. Any news on Jennie?"

"She is still torturing the male bodyguards in your wife's palace."

Yoon-gi smiles a bit. He misses Irene a lot. He hopes he could come back soon and finally meets his son.

IU looks another way. She pretends to stare a map on the table. There is an open letter on his table. From the handwriting, it looks like written by a woman.

The warm smile on Yoon-gi's face. He must be thinking of his wife again. Only she could make him smile like that.

Yoon-gi orders, "Prepare your men. It's time we take Xanadu."

"Yes, of course."

IU has left the tent.

Yoon-gi sits down to write a letter to Irene again. He never gives any details about the war. Only his wish to see her soon. This war got dragged too long.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ