36. I'm coming for you

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The duel is held in a plain between Yugei  Fort and Yoon-gi's camp. Five on five.

The first Challenger is a stout looking Barbarians. He is strong and yet a bit slow. He hits his chest before he walks into the center.

He yells, "I'm going to kill all of you!"

Woong Ja grabs his spear and he walks forward. Yoon-gi is staring him with murderous intent. It seems he hasn't forgiven him for escaping alone. Not taking Hyungsik with him.

Well, he barely made it out alive that night. How could he save Hyungsik too?

Woong Ja attacks him with his spear. The Barbarian retaliates with his Battle Axe. His brute strength makes Woong Ja got pushed back for few steps.

Woong Ja stretches his head to the left and right. He attacks with more agility. He stabs the Barbarian fighter and kills him on the spot.

He stabs his spear to the ground.

He taunts, "Anyone else wants to be killed?"

A slender fellow has walked forward. This man is faster than the last guy. Woong Ja manages to kill him after fighting him for half an hour.

Yoon-gi nods his head. There is a reason why he has chosen Woong Ja. The guy is used to duels. He is also an agile fighter. He is a tall guy with long legs. His kicks are deadlier than his spear. The King's head has admitted it's power in the past.

Temujin grabs his halberd.

Jennie pushes him back. The Barbarian King is a hot blooded fellow. He is also not too smart. If he lost a duel here, the troops moral would be reduced to zero.

She pulls her short swords and attacks Woong Ja. The tall guy underestimates her because she is a woman. He got slashed few times in his left arm and chest.

Woong Ja nearly got killed when Yoon-gi interferes. He defends him with his short sword.

Yoon-gi says, "I hardly ever fought an opponent like you. It's hard to find a foe with twin blades like mine."

He deals with her attacks easily.

Jennie is breathing heavily. She never expects the King would defend his man personally. Temujin would never do that.

Yoon-gi asks, "Are you giving up now?"


It looks like Yoon-gi has tripped and he almost fall down. Jennie takes the chance and aims her sword to his neck.

Yoon-gi smirks when he defends her attack easily. People usually fall for this trick. His sword stabs her stomach and injures her. It isn't a deep wound. He has never planned to kill her.

Temujin dashes away from that spot. He climbs up his horse.

He yells, "Retreat!"

Yoon-gi yells, "You bastard! You lost the three duels! Don't you care about her?"

"Just keep that bitch! I'm going to cut up Hyungsik! Send you piece by piece!"

The Barbarian King and his men have retreated to Yugei Fort.

Yoon-gi sighs. It's up to IU and her men now. He stares down to her. Jennie glares up to him. She looks angry. He has never seen a female warrior like her.

He orders, "Patch her up. Keep her alive."

"Just kill me."

Yoon-gi kneels down on a foot. Jennie tries to stab him with a hidden knife. He grabs the sharp point of the knife. He hits her hand and snatches it away. He grabs her hand.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now