22. Out of box

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The Minister of Defense stares the Agriculture minister with anger in his eyes.

Hoseok's father protests, "Your Majesty, it's impossible to return the young men home. We have to strengthen our defenses with Namseo Kingdom and the barbarian forces in the North."

Minister of Agriculture defends, "Without food, we could never win war. Please reconsider, Your Majesty."

Yoon-gi asks, "Both of you have strong points. Which side do you think I should choose?"

Both ministers yell immediately, "Mine!"

Jin shakes his head. The court session won't continue if these two ministers won't stop bickering. He couldn't understand why the King brought this subject up.

Yoon-gi hits his hand to his arm chair.

He asks, "For once, stop thinking about yourself. Can't you just think for your country first?"

Both ministers are silent.

Yoon-gi asks, "Why not send the soldiers to plough the land? For one week in each regions. The agriculture minister could arrange the list of farms."

Both ministers look shocked.

Yoon-gi asks, "You got young men to plough the land before planting started. And you still have the soldiers. Why can't you think something as simple as that?"

Jin praises, "Not everyone could think outside the box, Your Majesty."

"Nonsense. It's just all of you doesn't like to loose. Winning won't solve anything. Look at the bigger goal. For our country."

All the ministers say in unison, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Yoon-gi orders, "If you have problems, talk with the minister in charge first. Solve them. Think about our country. If you still couldn't decide it. Come to me."

Hoseok's father talks with the Agriculture minister. They finally agree to make future plans. Soldiers would go to farming villages to plough the lands. The village women shall be able to do the rest of the farming jobs.

Yoon-gi warns, "Minister of Defense, I shall write a Royal edict. Any soldier who defile village woman shall be executed. They are also forbidden to harass any civilians."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I shall order the generals to warn their soldiers to behave well."

Yoon-gi smirks when he asks, "Hoseok shall start first, don't you think? The farmers need the sunshine general in their farms."

At the last of the line, Hoseok shakes his head. As a general, his status is below ministers. That's why he is on the back row.

From a mailman, he is going to be a farmer soon.

Minister of Defense seems to understand the King well.

He bows deeply when he answers, "Thank you for this rare opportunity, Your Majesty."

Yoon-gi nods his head.

After killing the rebel peasants in the last military campaign, people tend to hate Hoseok. He used to be their favorite. The Saint general. This is a good chance to win the people's heart again.

Yoon-gi doesn't want people to hate Hoseok like they hate him.

Hoseok's face is sour. It seems he had missed his good intention.

Yoon-gi smirks.

I miss my duels with him. Why I have to be a King? Maybe it's fate. Someone has to clean up the mess that father made. Have to rebuild this country. Make it strong again. Just like in my grandfather's era.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now