30. Show down

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Jimin lifts a bucket of water and a mop. He begins to mop the floor. His daily chores consists of cleaning the rooms. Nam Joon got a different task. He and other bandits are sent to hunt games in deeper woods.

Jimin looks around. No sign of confiscated weapons. This base has too many bandits. It's impossible to steal a weapon here.

"What are you doing there? Help the kitchen!" orders an old guy.

"Yes, Sir!"

He goes toward the kitchen. He pauses when he sees the King. He is playing alone in the courtyard as usual.

"Hyung, please get well soon," mumbles him.

Yoon-gi looks around him. He looks bored. He nudges the teenager boy. He got ignored.

He starts to nag, "Play with me. Play with me. Play!"

"Stop yelling! I don't want to play! I'm not a kid!"


The boy pinches Yoon-gi's arm and the King starts to weep like a little boy.

"Aish! Stop crying! Okay, I'll play with you!"

Yoon-gi finally grins. He begins to make sand piles. The boy squats and helps him making more piles. He is grumbling. Yoon-gi's clothes got dirty again. The boy would have to wash them later.

Suddenly a horn is blown. Arrows are flying toward them.

Jimin yells, "Hyung!"

He leaps to protect him from the arrows. A kick from Yoon-gi send him flying backwards.

"Aaa! I'm scared!" yells Yoon-gi.

He goes to hide behind a large wooden barrel.

The teen boy has fled for his life. Abandoned the King.

Other bandits are fighting against the Governor troops. Most of them got killed on spot. Woong Ja and Suho aren't in the lair today. Rumors said the governor is expecting a large food shipment today. It seems it was made to lure them out of the lair.

An Archer has walked into the courtyard as if he owned the place. He grabs Yoon-gi's collar.

"Let me go! Let me go!" yells Yoon-gi.

He looks scared.

The Archer, Lee Jun Ki sneers. He pulls his collar until Yoon-gi is standing on his tip of toes. The Archer is 193 cm tall while the King is only 176 cm.

"I can't believe you become a moron," mocks the Archer.

It's the same man who has shot his bodyguards to death.

He pulls Yoon-gi's hair and drags him out of the bandit lair.

Jimin shakes his head. He has just regained consciousness. His head hits a tree trunk when he falls backwards earlier.

He jumps in front of the Archer to stop him from kidnapping Yoon-gi.

The Archer pulls a hidden blade from his belt. It's a weird looking flexible one. More like a set of chain with sharp tip. But he could make it solid enough like a sword.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now