25. Fallen tears

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A group of merchants has been robbed in broad daylight. Yoon-gi and his men happened to pass that spot. They killed the robbers and saved the merchants.

The merchant leader, a middle aged man bows repeatedly to him.

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you," says him repeatedly.

Yoon-gi stares around him. Most of the merchants have been injured. Some servants got killed. All of his hired bodyguards have been slain.

He orders, "Gather up the corpses and burn them."

Nam Joon only says, "Yes, Hyung."

Everyone in his group would call him Hyung instead of Your Majesty. It takes them few days to get used to it.

Yoon-gi says, "We are mercs without any master."

The merchant leader seems hesitated.

Yoon-gi notices a merchant badge on his collar. It has a shape of a badger. This merchant is in Seo Joon's guild.

He asks, "Are you a friend of Park Seo Joon?"

The merchant leader looks shocked.

He asks, "How did you know it?"

"I'm his friend too. He usually asked us when some merchants need our assistance."

He doesn't look convinced at all.

Nam Joon says, "You don't have a choice. Hire us. At least until you are safe in next town."

"Fine. Thanks for your help. About your fee..."

Yoon-gi says, "No prob. Seo Joon would handle it. Part of our agreement. Just sent him a thank you letter."

"I'm very grateful, Sir..."

"Suga. Yup, that's my name."

"Oh, what a strange name. Are you from Namseo?"

"My late mother was from that country."

Nam Joon warns, "We shouldn't stay here too long."

Yoon-gi nods his head.

He orders, "Let's move out. Nam Joon, secure the route ahead of us. Jimin, you be a wagon driver. Put the wounded ones in one place."

He points and divides his bodyguards to guard the wagons.

Nam Joon protests, "Hyung, we should have protect..."

"I'm riding with you. Happy now?"

Nam Joon shakes his head. This King is giving too much troubles to his bodyguards. Not weird. He is stronger than all of them. Still there are strength in numbers.

Jimin is chatting with a wounded merchant who sits next to him.

He says, "No worries. Hyung is a veteran fighter. You are in safe hands."

"He is scary..."

"He got those scars when he was young and naive. That was very long time ago."

The wounded persons on the back of the wagon are groaning weakly. Jimin glances toward them. They have been given first aids. Hopefully they would reach a city soon and find a doctor.

Another wave of bandits block their path. Unlike the first team, these bandits are using hoes, shovels and other farming tools as weapons.

Yoon-gi orders, "Nam Joon, don't kill them."

He pulls his reins and orders his horse to move forward. The farmer bandits are holding up his weapons.

Yoon-gi asks, "Why are you blocking us?"

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora