7. A scholar

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A man dressed in black is walking carefully on rooftops. Suddenly a man shows up too.

Nam Joon greets, "Your Majesty, it's late. Please go down before you hurt yourself."

Tae sighs. Failed again. This man never sleeps. He needs a better plan to escape this golden cage prison a.k.a palace.

The next night, Tae tries to sneak out using a box. He forces two eunuchs to carry him inside the huge box.

"Halt! What's in the box?" asks Nam Joon.

Tae groans in his heart.

An eunuch says quickly, "It's just unused stuffs. The Prince asked us to throw them away."

Nam Joon orders, "Open the box."

"Captain, it isn't necessary," protests an eunuch.

Nam Joon kicks the eunuch and he opens the box lid on his own. Tae smirks to him when the Captain sees him.

The Captain orders, "Drag these eunuchs away and give fifty lashes each. If anyone dared to smuggle the Prince again, they shall be killed by my blade."

Tae grumbles when an eunuch helps him out of the box. No one would dare to help him anymore.

A week later...

Nam Joon has been following a palace maid for a while. Suddenly he blocks her.

He asks, "Where are you going?"

The maid is silent.

"Your Majesty, I suggest you return to your room before anyone sees you like this," says Nam Joon.

Tae grumbles when he returns back. He is wearing a maid uniform. He even applies make-up. His own mother won't recognize him.

How could this Captain know his true identity?

In his room, Tae takes off the maid uniform. He wipes his make-up using a handkerchief.

He asks, "Any letter from my brother?"

"No. I don't think he would ever write one," replies Nam Joon honestly.

Tae sighs. Every letter for him would be examined thoroughly. Yoon-gi would get into troubles if they thought he was planning something.

"I have no choice," says the Third Prince.

He draws his blade and points it to Nam Joon.

Tae asks, "If I defeated you in a duel, I shall walk out of here."

Nam Joon stands still.

He says firmly, "My sword won't be raised against you, my Prince. You better slay me."

"No fun at all," mumbles Tae.

Tae puts his sword back into it's sheath.

He is bored to death.

He mumbles, "Hyung, please kidnap me."

The next morning, Nam Joon is on duty again. The Third Prince is getting impatient. He would try to sneak out again.

A palace guard is walking toward the front gate when Nam Joon is making his morning patrol. It's his body gestures that attracts him to the guard.

"Stop, Prince," calls him.

The guard dashes to the Gate. Some guards block his path and Tae draws his sword. He fights them with all his might.

Suddenly they hear, "What's going on here?"

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now