23. Her wedding day

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Irene is dead nervous. She keeps pinching her cheeks. Wondering if she wasn't dreaming it. Today she would marry him.

She is staying in an empty palace at this moment. She would leave from here. To meet the King, her future husband.

"How do I look?" asks her for the hundred times.

Hoseok replies, "Like a goddess. You should have married a better man. Not the King. Definitely not him."

"Brother, you respect him as a warrior."

"Not as a man. He is so cold. He would hurt you."

"No, he won't," protests Irene.

Her father has just arrived. He stares her with unblinking eyes. His eyes are a bit misty.

He says weakly, "It seemed it was just yesterday when I carried you around. Showing my precious little baby to my comrades in arms."

Hoseok comments, "She's too beautiful. Too good for him."

"You are definitely right. I never like that man. It's a mistake to let them met."

Hoseok asks, "It isn't too late yet. Shall I gather up my men?"

"Yes. He isn't worthy of her. We shall..."

Irene yells angrily, "Oh, no, you don't! How could you plan to overthrow him in my wedding day? It's the happiest day in my life!"

Hoseok says stubbornly, "He isn't the right man for you."

Her father adds, "That's right. No man is worthy of you. If a coup was needed, I shall..."

"Please, you two, cut it out. I could never marry anyone if you two had a say in it," says Irene while tidying her hair bun.

Her father stares her affectionately.

He says with a sob, "She looks so beautiful. Like her mother."

Hoseok says, "I'll challenged him to a duel. If he lost, he had to let you go."

"No, you don't. I would never forgive you if you hurt him again. He is the King. Which part you don't understand? And I'm in love with him."

"Sis, the guy got no heart. You would only  got hurt in the end."

"No is no. I would never let you hurt him again."

Hoseok warns, "If he hurt you, I shall break his leg. No, better his dick."

"I'm warning you, brother. Leave him alone."

Irene walks gracefully to a waiting carriage. Her male servants lift it easily.

The flowers are blooming today. The sky is clear. Birds are singing. Even the nature is rejoicing for her happy day.

Yoon-gi touches his collar again. Waiting for your bride is more nerve-wracking than winning a war.

At least you could slay your enemies in the battlefield. Hoseok's father is glaring at him for snatching his daughter away from him.

Hoseok is giving him murderous intent. Just like that fateful day when Yoon-gi got his infamous scar.

The day Hoseok's lover married another guy. The sunshine general went berserk in the duel. Yoon-gi only lost once to him. The day he got his scar.

If I remembered correctly, Hoseok got a nasty slash at his chest. Near his heart.  I guessed we both carved and left our marks on each others.

Yoon-gi smirks to Hoseok. The guy looks he is going to kill him any moment now. The general has worst sister complex.

What would happen tomorrow? After our first night. A coup of de'tat? Probably planned already. Great! I hate being a King. No more duel. Can't leave the palace easily.

Yoon-gi chuckles. Hoping Tae would take his place soon.

Six rites have to be performed before they could be officially called husband and wife. The most annoying part is gone. No need to give respect to his father. Because he is already dead.

Time passes too slowly. Yoon-gi couldn't see her face due her thick veil.

Who's bad idea to shield her face? What if she wasn't Irene Jung? What if Hoseok and his father have replaced her with someone else?

Yoon-gi glances at Hoseok and his father. Both of them look grim as if they were attending a funeral. Not a wedding ceremony.


A man is drinking alone in his bedroom. His eyes are reddened. He never thought this day would come. Yoon-gi always vowed he would never marry any woman.

Well, everything is different now. He is the King. No King has remained single forever.

He makes a toast to an invisible person.

"For you, my beloved general. My King. Min Yoon-gi. For your new life."

He drinks his Soju.

Tears are falling down like rain from his cheeks. He keeps on drinking. Pouring more Soju into his empty belly. Until he couldn't take it anymore and vomited.

"I'm pathetic... Yoon-gi..."


The King kept on drinking with his ministers until it's time to meet his bride. Hoseok and his father kept pouring Soju for him. Trying to make him drunk. In the end, both Hoseok and his father are the ones who snore on the table.

Yoon-gi walks into the Queen's chamber with steady step. They haven't learned anything. Not easy to make him wasted.

He smiles when he opens the door. His bride. He walks toward her and opens the veil.

It's a sin to let her wait this long. The prettiest Goddess he has ever seen in his life.

A kiss to her forehead. A kiss to her nose. A peck kiss to her lips. A kiss to her neck.

Irene asks nervously, "Aren't you going to blow the candle?"

"Why? I want to see you clearly."

"I'm ashamed..."

"You are so beautiful."

He helps her to undress.

Irene couldn't look away from him when he takes off his clothes. The multiple old scars on his body.

How many times he has escaped death?

Yoon-gi says, "Not a pretty sight, isn't it? You could have married more handsome man."

"Yoon-gi, I only want you."

One passionate kiss to her lips as her reward for being adorable.

"I'll be gentle. Please relax. I won't force you if you don't want it..."

"I'm not afraid of you."

"You are one brave Lady, Irene."

Yoon-gi has a whale of fun time. Touching her, kissing her. Leaving trails of hickeys all over her. Claiming her. Making her loose her mind. For once, she couldn't keep her poker face.

Breathless and sleepy.

Irene smiles when he hugs her from behind.

That wasn't so bad. It hurts. But his smile made everything okay.

Irene closes her eyes. Finally she has drifted to Dreamland with him.

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