37. The street performers

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"Jungkook, I'm bored..."

"Not again..."

Tae won't stop complaining since they arrived here yesterday. The King's troops have marches ahead. Leaving them behind in Guoto city.

Jennie and Hyungsik are still recovering in the a house served as infirmary.

Poor Woong Ja has returned to battlefield again.

Jennie is coughing when she rises to a sitting position. The King has promised to spare her tribe, Black sparrow as long as they don't join Temujin. Another condition is a personal one.

She is requested to work for the King after she has recovered from her injuries.

Maybe she is a fool for believing the King. Normal person won't believe he could win with such small troops.

Jennie believes him. She stares Hyungsik. It's a good thing she prevented Temujin from cutting his tongue. That's another reason why the King has kept her tribesmen alive.


Tae is running around on the streets looking for excitement. Finally he stops in front of a group of street performers.

He claps when they have finished their music performances. He even throws few coins to their bucket as donation.

A young Barbarian man smiles to him.

He greets, "Master Kim. You have all grown up now. I never know you have left the capital."

"Nergui! You have grown a lot taller too!"

Tae smiles to him. He was the one who taught him Barbarian languages when they're younger.

He asks, "Are you still travelling with your uncle?"

"No. He passed away. My cousin hates me so I have been travelling with them."

He points to the street performers.

Tae smiles brightly. Jungkook immediately on alert mode. He grabs his arm and tries to drag him out of there.

Tae holds his ground. He doesn't want to leave yet.

He asks, "Could I join you? I'm pretty good musician."

"Aren't you a rich kid?"

"I runaway from home. I don't want to marry a girl so..."

"So you eloped with your boyfriend. Got it. No hard offense. I'm still going to be your friend despite your preference."

Jungkook gives Nergui a murderous intent. Tae has bites his lips to prevent laughing. Nergui thinks they are lovers, fled from home.

Nergui waves to a guy and he walks toward them.

He introduces, "This is my boyfriend, Qadan. This is an old friend, Kim Taehyung. And..."

Tae says, "Jeon Jungkook, my boyfriend."

He couldn't stifle it and finally laughs.

A pinch to his waist from Jungkook ends his laughter. His bodyguard is glaring at him.

Tae asks, "Could I travel with you? I've never been to Barbarian regions before."

Jungkook grabs him and whispers, "What are you doing?"

"I'm helping Hyung. Gather up info," whispers him back.

"Oh, they are so sweet, Qadan. Actually today is our last performance. They want to split up and go home. Qadan and I don't have anywhere to return. His family doesn't like me..."

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now