38. Different routes

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The wind is blowing a bit strong today. Tae is holding his hat. They will arrive in a Barbarian village in a week or two.

Jungkook suggests, "We are almost there. Shouldn't we practice our music?"

"You are right. Shall we stop and practice today?" asks Nergui.

He is strumming his Gayageum guitar. He is playing a cheerful Barbarian folk song.

Tae smiles when he is playing the same music too. It has been a while since he plays a guitar like this. Qadan beats a small drum and joins them. Jungkook is listening to the music for a while.

Tae asks, "Hey! Why don't you join us?"

Jungkook takes out a bamboo flute. He listens intently for a while longer. Finally he plays his musical instruments.

Half an hour later, the practice ends.

Nergui says, "Not bad. We need more practices. Your skills are a bit rusty, Tae."

"Mother doesn't like me to play Barbarian music too much."

"She is a mood killer."


They spend the rest of the day to practice again.


Yoon-gi is staring the map. The Barbarians are proud tribes. Temujin might have gotten their loyalties by force. They aren't willing to back down from supporting him.

Black Sparrow, Jennie's tribe is the only one whom has retreated from the unison pact.

He asks IU, "Which tribe is the closest from borderline?"

"Crimson wolves."

"Hmm... tell me more about them."

"The old chieftain died after Temujin killed him. His son is still young and inexperienced. They say he is useless."

"Could you arrange us to meet?"

IU doesn't seem to be surprised at all. She only nods her head. Jimin is polishing his armor when Yoon-gi is having a meeting with her.

Yoon-gi says, "Jimin, go back to Guoto city and look after Tae for me."

"Your Majesty, I don't think your brother needs one more babysitter. Jungkook is more than capable in keeping him safe."

"I mean you didn't need to follow me to battlefields."

"I have been practicing a lot, Your Majesty. Watch these!"

Jimin throws knives and they strike the tent, creating large holes. He sighs. He was aiming for the helmet. He failed to impress the King.

Yoon-gi asks, "You aimed to the helmet, didn't you? Attacking the King's attires is death sentence."

Nam Joon has entered the tent. He is holding the knives in a hand. He stares the holes made by Jimin.

Jimin takes the knives from him immediately.

Nam Joon warns, "Don't do it again. You could harm the King."

"Yes, Hyung. Sorry."

Yoon-gi says, "No worries. Jimin would stitch up the holes later."

Jimin sighs. He is digging his own grave. Adding more tasks for himself.

When Nam Joon is leaving, he makes a gesture for Jimin to follow him out of the tent. Jimin hits his head, pretending he has forgotten something.

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now