53. Jennie the Great

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Many battles have been fought in the last two years. Win some lost some. Their troops have been marching closer and closer to the capital city.

The last stronghold before the capital. They have to conquer this fortress city before they could march straight to the capital city.

Hoseok leads the vanguard troops. They are marching ahead when some soldiers step on traps.

Bombs are exploding in turns. Killing many soldiers. The rest of the soldiers got panic and run in different directions. More bombs explode when they stepped on the hidden traps.

Namseo soldiers ambush them during the chaos.

"Fall back!" yells Hoseok.

He has lost too many men today.

The King was right. He shouldn't underestimate the enemy. Saint general nearly didn't make it out alive.

Hoseok kneels down in front of the King. Ready for punishment. His reckless way has made them lost half of their troops.

Yoon-gi looks gloomy. He punches his table in his rage. His brother in law is too reckless. He has warned him again and again in this war.

The King orders, "Guards, take general Hoseok out. Give him fifty lashes."

This is military law. The guilty one shall be punished even if they are family.

Three hours later, Hoseok is lying on a mat in his tent. A soldier is applying salve to his wounds on his back.

The soldier rises and almost greets him. The King makes a gesture to keep silent and leaves the tent.

Hoseok hisses when the salve is being applied roughly.

"Be gentle. I'm injured here," complaints him.

"You won't be injured if you had been more careful."

Hoseok quickly turns around. Yoon-gi forces him to lie with his back facing him again. The King applies the salve to his back.

Hoseok mocks, "You injured me. Then you fixes me."

"I told you to be careful. We lost too many life today."

Hoseok is silent. He should have known it was a trick. He was too eager to win. The enemy made a fool of him.

He says, "It won't happen again."

"Of course not. I'm assigning you under general Jennie."

"You can't be serious!"

"You lost too many soldiers. No other choice."

Hoseok complaints, "The plains outside the fortress city have numerous bomb traps. It's impossible to cross it."

"There is nothing impossible in the war. It's just a slight detour."

"You know we are sitting ducks here. We would be dead if they cut off our retreat route."

"Don't worry too much. Just recover soon. Too bad we can't have a duel anymore. I'm pretty sure I could beat you up now."

"You'll never win, King."

Yoon-gi hits his back when he puts a bandage on it.

"Get well soon. Report to general Jennie early tomorrow morning."

"I'll never forgive you for this."

"It's for your own good."


The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now