Chapter 79

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But I don’t want anything to happen to my little baby girl. Eyeing him warily I hand her to him carefully when he takes her to the floor carefully staring to excersise her ams and legs, wrists and ankles, and her fingers and toes. Watching him carefully I start feeling weak but I was sure I saw him kiss her little nose. Everything starts becoming hazy all around me. Their voices and questions to get my attention are no longer working, everything is becoming blurry.

“Veil?” He turns his attention to my weak call and once he looks towards the bed again he looks startled. He quickly jolts up shoving Caitlyn, carefully in a way, to my mother before he tugs on something and I don’t feel anything better. He stares down at the thing warily before he pulls out his pocket knife holding it up he slashes it down hard he does it once again, the bed jolts from the impact, everyone gathers around him and once Meg sees what he stabbed she screams startling my baby.

Tears form in my eyes but it makes my vision a thick red hardly being able to see. “What? What is happening to me?” Whispering, I feel death lurking over my head very near ready to attack me and drag me with it. Veil looks up to me with tears in his eyes and when he sees me he breaks, his world shattered.

“Belle, your baby’s twin died, but never came out, it was eating you. You are going to die.” He croaks through tears looking torn, broken, destroyed. This day has come and too soon, I never got to raise my baby. The tear substance forms in my eyes again spilling over into an uncontrollable sob.

“My baby…”

“Belle, we will take good care of her, don’t worry.” My mother caresses my face then to my hair. Soon she brings her large hand ful of my hair towards her face breaking down in horrible sobs. Everyone is now crying but I need to die, someone needs to kill me before anything happens, before I hurt anyone else.

“Ta-take me to Cane, let him finish me. I know he wants me dead, and now that Caitlyn is out of he me can finish me, there is nothing holding him back.” Everyone looks even more hurt, Caitlyn starts to cry louder and I just want the best for her. Staring up to my father he disapproves I know. “Please daddy, this is my diening wish.” Instead of asking I tell him, he carefully pulls me into his arms giving me a small kiss on my cheek before pulling away.

“Please don’t go baby girl, you are still mine.” He strokes my hair again pushing back all the falling hair.

“Death doesn’t take life easily, this is my time and I am glad I created and gave life before I had to go.” My mother comes near us so I can give Caitlyn a small kiss on her tiny check before my father starts walking. I feel my change coming, and coming fast. “Daddy, I am changing, hurry!” He starts walking faster up the stairs followed by everyone, and I mean everyone. Anne runs up to me looking upset.

“Why are you sick? What is happening?” She asks and I can hear the tears in her eyes again, I was her mom to her, and now she has to go through that again. My senses are changing to where everything around me is a threat, these things are dangerous, I must eliminate the danger. But wait, aren’t these things my friends?

“Ru-run.” Coughing through my throat I can feel some sort of liquid coming through my mouth seeping from my lips, this is really it, I am diening. My father looks to me and begins to run throught this place soon to be in his room and down a secret stairs. There is a heavy breathing coming from down in this sticky and wet place, rounding a corner we can see some cells that are all rusted, my whole body slumps in his arms not able to sustain myself.

“Belle?” The voice is all scratchy worse than mine, my father quickly steps into his cell placing me on the ground in front of Cane, he looks aweful, dark black eyes, so skiny and his lips are dried. It smells aweful in here.

“Decide your fait boy, you become like her together or you put her to rest if you really loved her.” My body absorbs the moistness of the ground of whatever it might be. My breathing becomes quicker when my dad leans down whispering in my ear but I could hardly hear what he said.

“But what about our baby? Arent you going to get it out of her first?” A knife clanks against the rocky ground down to Canes feet, he might actually do this.

“I-I love you…guys..” Croaking out my body feels like its on fire, like I cant possibly cool down. My whole body is out of control like something new is taking over.

“She gave birth today, she is a beautiful baby girl. We are going to watch her tonight because the twin hurt her. You decide Cane, prove to us you still love Belle and end her misery, then you get to raise your baby girl, or be stupid and get eaten. Your choice.” My mother steps into view holding my little baby. She is mine and I never even got to be her mother!  Feeling my heart rate slow I stare up to Cane, he has a familiar look in his eyes, love, when he used to love me.

“I cant kill you Belle, just fight it.”

“You didn’t have a problem with it last time you beat me. Please Cane, for me, for your wife and your daughter. You and her are our only hope, raise her well.” Feeling my whole body reroute I slowly sit up feeling the need, the taste of his human flesh, the meet on his bones. To devour him. Panic is seen right through his eyes but he doesn’t fumble for the knife, seeing the first and the last of my new life, the life where I get to eat everything.

Striking a furious amount of strength into my skull causing me to crumple to the side but still able to see him only paralyzing me.

Cane POV

No, no she cant have turned, I was supposed to first, why did this have to happen? Her body is turning blue and her eyes have started to loose their precious color I adored everytime I saw her. Everytime I looked at her her eyes made me melt ever single time. Her beautiful hair has begun to fall out and her make up is smeared from her blood on her face. This is something I never wanted to see. She shouldn’t have died this way, she was so excited to see our baby and now she is gone. Feeling the hot tears flow down my face I take the knife from her head not being able to function, why does this have to happen?

Lifting the blade I slam it into her chest feeling her now cold blood splash against my fingers, her blood. My loves blood. Just to make sure I ended her life I do it again and again soon doing it with rage that she had to die! Droppping to bloodied knife I back away staring at my hands that is tinted red feeling my heart crush under the pressure of her now absence.

The cell opens for me but I cant move, I cant move from her side, what also hurts is that she didn’t come to find me for our daughters birth, her big arrival. But are what they said true? Did I really beat her? I am a monster, I don’t deserve to live any more. Baxter and Tommy haul my body up from the ground taking me to my precious daughter sleeping in her grandma’s arms. Quickly taking her despite the blood on my hands I evelope her, she has the new baby smell, and it smells a little like Belle. Sobbing seeing her small little body looking just like Belle and alittle like me, this is the last thing I have close to her. She slowly starts waking up but makes no noise other than looking right into my eyes. She has her eyes, how am I going to be able to cope? More tears flow down my face into a sob, Veil pulls me into his arms carefully still holding onto her I sob into his shoulder.

“She is gone.” Are the only words I can manage out, my breath is hot and I am drenching this guys shirt. Kris comes over carefully taking her from me so I can grieve better, she cant go, why did she have to go? To leave me alone, I don’t know how to take care of our baby, I know nothing about it. 

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