Chapter 21

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“Come back please? I could build us a house? A room for us, and some rooms for our children? A nursery for each?”

“You can do that? On what lands that is being protected?”

“We have barns. An enormous garden of crops, cattle, and open range to ride horses. I could use to wood on the outside to build us a home. For us and the baby and soon one day family.”

“I don’t want a house if you have to go on the outside.”

“Fine! Then I can just get one of those small apartment homes for us. I could have us living in it by the end of the month.”

“If you can do that then yes I will move in with you but other than that I am going to sleep in my cabin. Good night.” Without hearing what else he has to say, I quickly search and finally find our cabin and enter seeing all the girls plus Caine. Sleeping, Caine is cuddled up with Meg and I invisibly vomit. I close and lock the door and climb into my nice warm bed. It feels so good to get into a perfectly made bed. Its warm and soft and I just about purr in my safety and warmth.

I close my eyes and the visions of my little girl being eaten and my boys fighting them intrude my mind. I cant sleep although I need it I just cant. I quickly sit up in my bed and get into a giant ball. Never mind I do want to move in with him and now, I am too scared. I hop out of bed, unlock the door and bolt back into the direction of his apartment’s and knock on every single one trying to see which one he lives in.

“Can I come in?” I ask one of his roommates.

“Sure? I guess?” He rubs his groggy eyes as I push past him to see Cane sitting on the counter fiddling with the glass I put into the sink. Once he sees me he hops off and comes near me cautiously.

“What are you doing here I thought you were too tired to talk?”

“I got scared.” It comes out as an embarrassed whisper.

“Why would you be scared?” Once he heard I was scared he bolts towards me engulfing me in a giant embrace of reassurance and safety.

“I was bit, the world was better then one of those things bit our daughter. Then one bit me and you had to…end me.” I sob into his chest and build up the courage to look into his eyes and he looks into my soul with worry then a fake glance of reassurance crosses over. We walk back into his bed and we get in as he holds me close brushing the hair out of my face. His roommate turns off the light and locks the door. His sluggish feet drag across the floor to his bed thinking about the zombies slowly walking towards their prey taunting them. I squeeze Cane closer to me and press my face against his chest trying to fight back the tears and ward off the fear.

“Everything will be okay, we are protected here, nothing can get us.”

“So are you two a couple or something?” The voice sounds like its surrounding us.

“Yeah, we are nature bound.” Cane chuckles and the guys take a moment to realize what he just said and they all groan and fake gauge.

“Gross man!”

“The world is ending you gotta do what your hearts gotta do.”

“Man stop talking its too late to be talking like that, gross.”

“We got a little junior on the way too.” He just wont stop talking but its taking my mind off of the vividly realistic dream. Their beds shift and squeak sounding like they just sat up.


“Yeah really! She is three and a half months along.”

“So you two did it right when you guys got here? Desperate much?”

“Nope! Love at first sight.” Cane presses his warm lips up against mine and my eyes start getting droppy.

“Can you feel it yet?”

“No.” I whiper trying so hard to fight the sleep away.

“Do you know what it is yet?”

“Not for another couple of weeks. Six.” The sleepiness overruled me. My eyes dart shut and stay that way until the next morning.

I didn’t dream of anything which means I was too tired that my brain couldn’t do anything about it. The smell of bacon has my eyes shooting open to still feel Cane underneath me. I place my fingers on his cheek and trace his facial features.

I don’t want to get out of bed though or eat. I don’t even want to see the morning sun. I think I should just sleep all day today. “Good morning.” Canes voice snaps me out of my negative thoughts.

“What is so good about this morning?” It almost sounds like everyone has stopped their morning chores. I look up at Cane who is looking down at me amused. He grabs a bottle of pills that is on his nightstand and gives them to me.

“Oh it will be a good morning once you take these, and those.” He hands me the rest and I don’t think I can do it mentally.

“I don’t want to.” He shifts in bed causing me to shift myself so I don’t fall off his small one person bed. He takes my pills and pours out a safe amount and puts them in my mouth and shoves the water that just so happens to be by his bed down my throat causing them all to flow down. “Ugh!” I groan going over to the pantry they have and get some crackers out and eat them before my stomach gets upset.

“You know I am making breakfast? You should have some.” He looks more familiar. Nate is it? The other guy is in a shower, I can hear it running.

“No thanks, I don’t feel like vomiting this morning.” I sit at the stool and just fill my stomach with the smell of the bacon. But once he pours the apple juice something in my stomach turns. “Where is your toilet?” I grab my swirling stomach and Nate quickly points to the direction of the shower water running and I bolt for it. I make it into a small room where the other guy is in a covered shower and I bend over the toilet to vomit up the crackers.

“Hey? Who is in here?” The guy pokes his head out of the shower and looks at me while I continue to vomit into the toilet. “Oh man, are you alright?”

“Yeah…” I trail off and vomit once more. The smell is sickening and I quickly flush the filled toilet and slowly stand up. I was off my mouth and pop in a breath strip I just found near all the tooth brushes. The awkwardness of being in here while he is in the shower has me bolting out to Cane. He is sitting at the bar and I go over to him and grab his upper thighs. “I feel really good today but we have to go to my cabin so I can get that thing remember?” I stare right into his eyes biting my lip. My thumbs make small circles causing him to get nervous.

“Oh…um the thing? Yeah uh okay?” He scratches the back of his head and I pull him up the best I can. Nate just stares at us disgusted making his bacon burn. I take Canes hand and we walk back to my cabin hand in hand. I walk all seductively in front of him and I can see him in the corner of my eyes stare at me yet nervous again. Its very early in the morning and hardly any girls are up.

The morning dew feels so great on my skin. The smell of nature is great aside from the hint of death from the outside. The orange and pink sky is beautiful with no sign of any clouds. 

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