Chapter 34

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This entire room is beautiful and large, a chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the air circulates perfectly. The comforters are silky underneath the comforter. The comforter is thick and soft as well, perfectly plush. I slump down move in the bed and try to relax, my life is more now and trying to be safe with the baby.


"Cane? Have you seen Belle? I really need to talk to her." Megan bounces over to me. Ugh I don't want to talk to her she is so annoying. She is so persistant trying to talk to her, she needs sleep herself I can tell she hasn't slept much due to her bags under her eyes.

"She is sleeping in my apartment, why what do you need to know?" I head over to the stables to give my riding lessons to the girls. I am all in my attractive cowboy attire while she follows me.

"I really need to talk to her okay? Its very important."

"It must be important if you are chasing me at six months pregnant or so with no sleep in how many days? Three?" I give her a fake shocked look and she looks very pissed off.

"I need to talk to her about some important pregnancy wise topics okay? So where is she?" The stables are right behind our house. We are fairly close to it when I point.

"Our house. The code to get in is 1212 her due date if you wanted to know now get out of here you are annoying me."

"Rear sissys boy bites." She quickly wobbles to the house through our little white fence, it has a cute little flower garden along with a little swing set that looks so adorable in our small yard. She closes the fence and hurries up the porch past the swing and into the house. Ugh two pregnant sisters with no sleep is going to kill us all. Wow they are crazy. But good thing I love Belle.

I make it to the stables while some of the girls wait in their bikini tops and short shorts. Now that Belle and I are 'married' I am not interested in other girls like that. Its actually disgusting how they try to show themselves to me. "Alright girls, I am not going to listen to dumb blond moments or fakers. 'Like oh my god this horse has an ass.'" I wave my hands like girls do in my most up speech I can, " Yes we all know it does so do you and all of yours are ugly so get by a horse you want to ride and don't act jittery unless you want a horse size gap out of your shoulder." All of them look at me in shock but still lustful. They all scramble as fast as they can to a horse, some of them fight over which horse they want but end up with something else.

Well I guess I found who the queen of the girls are! every girl has a queen, and she is an ugly bitch of this bunch. her sassy possessive posture and her anorexic diet shows she's a desperate whore. "Okay now take your right leg in the little triangle thingy, on the horses left side and haul yourself over. Call me if you need anything." I go into the stables and pull out my black stallion and hold onto her reigns.

"Hey I need some help over here!" Ugh it's the queen. she is so ugly trying to be perfect. she is such a faker. I put on the fakest yet show able face of annoyance and practically throw herself onto the horse. Not minding I wasn't gentle. "I was hoping you would take a bit know." her fingers trail up her nasty body.

"We all hope for things that can never come true, now take the reins with both hands like this, pull right slightly to go right and they will obey, Pull left to go left and it will go left. pull back and say whoa in their name and it will stop. that one is Pinky, that one is Thomas, Patricia, Sophie, and George. They all are girls accept Sophie, they all act on their personalities. when they pee stand up in the reigns and loosen the grip on their blatters. They continue walking when they poop but stop when they pee. Okay let's ride don't go after than I am and stay in a line." All I want to do is be with Belle, she is stressing out too much and I don't want to be here with these low lives.

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