Chapter 51

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He touches his little unicorn hair thing and he sighs. “How does it look?” Laughter erupts from me making him smile but I just hold my sore stomach making it hard from me to breathe. “No I am serious! Did it make me lose my man card?” He runs down to the bathroom to look at himself and he screams a high pitched scream. That was hilarious. He races down the hall back to me with some of my lipstick on. Some of it is smeared all over his face. How do guys manage to do that? There is like a guide line where you put it, not all over your face. He comes over to me slowly looking like a demented clown. “Come here babe I want a kiss.” He slowly makes his way to me with his hands open like claws ready to tickle the crap out of me.

“No way unless you want chunks all over you.” I grab one of the nice pillows and protect my body from him.

“Fine with me, I just wanna kiss.” He jumps on the couch smiling like a lunatic before he crawls on me puckering his lips like a girl before he kisses me. All I do is smile while he kisses me. He pulls away laughing.

“Cane that is so weird! Bleck!” I wipe his nasty lipstick off my lips with my arm cringing at the color. Its my favorite stuff too.

“Its weird when girls do it too.” He shrugs wiping it off his lips himself before sitting back down rummaging through the things. “Okay this one is my favorite out of the clothes I got you.” He pulls out a beautiful dress that would probably go to my knees, it is orange and white stripes with a white belt to go around it. But I doubt it would be seen being smashed in between my boobs and belly when I am big enough.

“What month is it?” He checks the tag and he smiles happily like he just got a piece of candy.

“Its six, but it stretches so you can wear it through your seventh month too. Oh I just cant wait to see this on you. The zombies liked it too cause they were all standing around in a circle around it. Oo and I got this one too, it’s the same but pink and white.” He pulls the other one out comparing it to the other one standing up next to all the bags. “But this one is for eight to nine months. I tried to find a purple one which I did! Its purple and black I also got you black flip flops. I didn’t know your size so I got you an eight.”

“Im a seven and a half, its all good though I like bigger sizes.” He is so excited about all this stuff its so adorable that he cares so much. All these things are so pretty and he did a good job too. Usually guys buy ugly stuff or things that are completely opposite of what you ask but he got things that are like model hot.

“Okay good. I got you some heals in that size, I know you wont want to wear those when your bigger but maybe after. They were kind of fun for me.” He pulls out a box of high black heals that show some of your toe at the front. They have little holes all around it as well so you can see your skin but they are so high too. I definitely wont be able to wear these any time soon. I take them out and examine them carefully and they are so awesome! I saw a pare of these in Kohl’s once but they were too much my mom didn’t want to buy them for me.

“I love them! Cane you are so awesome!”

“Thank you! Oo then I got you some pants, they are weird they have this navy strap that goes over your belly or something to keep them up. But I liked them. I just got lots of different month sixes even like three months even though you don’t have a bump then you just are so tiny and stuff I just didn’t know.” He is speaking so fast as well showing me these. He got me an entire new wardrobe almost. “I also got you a bunch of striped shirts and some tank tops. I like striped and I don’t want you to get mad but I like them cause they make your belly look bigger and I like that a lot.” I just chuckle at how cute he is being, he puts a shirt up to me and he just smiles like a big retard. It’s a shirt that says ‘I ate a watermelon seed.’ Its so cute, its not one bit offensive to me at all, I am glad he likes them too. “Then I got you some good supportive shoes that will match just about anything other than your dresses. And again the eights sorry I got you like three pairs. And I got some bras too. I didn’t know what your size was cause it was really confusing so I got all of them off the racks. It was kind of embarrassing but yeah you can go through those.” He scratches the back of his head before realizing he has his little pony tail still in.

“Do you want me to cut your hair? I am pretty good at it. I used to cut my brothers hair.”

“As long as it doesn’t look like a little kid took scissors to my hair then yes.”

“Do you have any scissors or anything I can cut with?”

“No, but I know where to get some? Ill be right back.”

“No! Let me go with you.”

“Are you sure?” He stares deep into my eyes looking in them to see if I am okay but honestly I am not.

“Yes I cant be left here alone I will freak.” He helps me onto my feet sliding a shirt on and ripping the tag off. It almost fits completely. “Just out of excitement I am going to change into a pair of pants.” I rip off my pants right in front of  him looking around in a bag for a good enough size before pulling it on and I feel so comfortable. Not like I am suffocating. “Ah that feels so much better. Lets go.” The shirt is a yellow and white striped shirt with jeans and the black flip flops. I feel so casual and comfortable. We both quickly get into the cart and race out closing the garage behind us.

“You look so cute in that. I can almost see your bump.” His hand rubs my small bump giving me chills causing me to snuggle up to him. The nice cool evening breeze has set in. The sun is setting casting a pink, red, and orange tint to the beautiful sky. I cuddle his arm like its my giant teddy bear and he wraps his arm around me instead so I just cuddle his body.

“So what’s it like being a guy? Having so responsibilities over me and the community? Do you ever get annoyed with me because I’m so crippled and prone to injury or something?”

“Ha-ha I like being a guy, not having to go through puberty and stuff. I think I would go mad if I had to deal with it. The responsibility is what keeps me sane and mature at moments. If there was no one to protect the community there would be no such thing as this place. Then when it comes my responsibility to you it’s so much fun. You bring my youth back then at the same time remind me I am going to be a dad. I never get annoyed with you, life happens, I just get annoyed that you keep getting hurt. Others hurt you or the symptoms hurt you. This is what life is. You get hurt and fall down but you just got to clean the injury put a band aid on it, stand up and hope that it heals properly. You are not crippled at all. Even if you were I wouldn’t treat you any different. Your still a human, you still function like one. You just pay the price different than others.” Everything that comes out of his mouth is so loving and its wise. I hope Caitlyn ends up like him.

“You are so lucky, you provide for us, protect us and it seems like no one praises you?”  We pull up to an odd side of the town to see a small little convenient store. He pulls me up to look at him and he just smiles holding my face in his hands.

“You do praise me and you don’t even know it. Every single day showing me your love is enough to keep me going to show I have something to live for. When this camp was in transition to be created I didn’t even want to come cause I was convinced I wouldn’t find anyone I was going to love. That this place wasn’t going to work. But the moment I saw you I knew you were going to be mine. That I just had to have you and I was going to live with you for the rest of my life. So when I saw you staring at me with a twinge of love in your eyes that you liked me I knew you felt the same way however you girls think. Then you kissed me and I was so shocked that you did that. That you were pulling the first moves before me and you got all done up for me. So when I had sex with you that was the mark that we were never to be apart. And Caitlyn has shown us. Even if she hadn’t been created I would have never left you and given up on you. Now I have you and her to look after and you gave me that chance, by loving me and helping me create her. So I should be praising you. You protect yourself for her, you give her life and take care of her for just about your entire life so thank you.” The tears flow down my face with his feelings and how he looks at both of us. He leans down and kisses me gently shedding a few tears of his own. Its so attractive when guys cry over things like this.

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