Chapter 2

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“Hi, I’m Britt, short for Britteni.” Her short auburn hair shines in the lighting of the room, she is very pretty.

            “How old are you?” She looks older almost twenty.

            “Fifteen.” Meg and I look to her in confusion. “I know I look older but Im not.”

            “Don’t let them get to you, we will look out for you that’s what friends do.” I touch her shoulder to feel it is very boney. This poor girl, she must have some social issues.

            “Really? We are friends?” I see a glint of hope in her eyes that makes me feel so sad for her.

            “Yes we are, and I am Meg. Belle and I are step sisters, we are both seventeen.” Belle walks back over to her bed smiling. Meg and I finish unpacking and load our clothes into the drawers we didn’t notice that were under our beds. The girls come out of the bathroom after about half an hour and that girl has no makeup on. She probably washed her face. She is pretty without it all on.

            “I am sorry the way I treated you.” Wow over a zit. She sits on her bed and pulls out a baggy sweatshirt and yoga pants.

            “No problem. Hope this means we are on good terms.” Meg hops on my bed and starts plucking my eye brows. She is so violent. “Ow! Meg!” I yelp as she snags a piece of my skin.

            “Here, let me. We can help. What are you doing this for any ways?” The girl grabs the tweezers and starts doing it faster yet gentler. The girls come near and start rummaging through both of our bags.

            “Oh no reason, didn’t get to do my make up this morning.” Meg snorts in the back ground making me give her my evil glare.

            “Really? We saw a councilor leaving this place. Is it for him?” She applies a thin layer of conceiler as the girls do my eyes.


 “Yes!” Meg and I overlap each other.

“No its not.” All the girls chuckle around me as Britt comes over and stands next to Meg. There is a knock on the door as Meg opens it revealing the god. My face blushes as he is still shirtless.

“I am here to escort Belle to breakfast. May I?” He asks me, the girls aren’t even done yet.

“Can you give me like five more minutes?” I ask him quickly, my stomach suddenly feels sick. I think I am about to start. This always happens around them. Great. He nods winking again and Meg closes the door. All the girls smile at me.

“He is really hot.” The girl on my right says. I chuckle and smile from ear to ear.

“BTW,” Ech she used texting terms out loud, “My name is Kris. This is Janice, and Tony.” I feel one last detail, lip gloss. I rub them together and I dart up rummaging through my clothes to grab some shorts standing at mid thigh, and a tanktop not revealing much to be too distracting. I put my flip flops on and am about to dart out when Meg yanks me back.

“Not without perfume.”

“Ugh!” I grab a random one and spray twice then run out yet trying to act casual. “Sorry.” I say greeting him. Anyways how did he even know my name.

“No worries. I am Cane.” He shoves his hands in his pockets as we begin to walk in the direction of breakfast. A loud bang fills the air as I dart around to see the gate has slid shut. I think I peed myself. I grab my knees trying to calm my racing nerves and disgues my check to make sure I didn’t. Nope all good. “Sorry bout that, its just to make sure no one gets in or leaves. It’s the law.”

“Whoa! Weird law.” I stand back up with my heart still racing and walking by him again. My heart flutters making me want to pounce. I don’t like the feeling, its strangely new.

“So Belle, how do you like camp so far?” His arm brushes against mine sending sparks through me. I can hardly contain myself oh my God I just wanna kiss him but I just met him, this is all going by so fast. Just cool it Belle.

“I love it, its beautiful and already making friends. Anyways what is our camp called? I never got to see the paper.”

“Camp LVD.”

“What does that even stand for?”

“Living vs. Dyeing.”

“Why that name?”

“Its to strengthen young girls because the death rate is lowering to fifty years. That’s still pretty young so this camp helps girls become stronger physically, and mentally. You eat slightly healthier, exercise and get all the sleep you need.”

“All the sleep we need?” My tone is excited for that. I like sleep, I like it a lot.

“Yes twelve hours of sleep, including a nap.”

“Praise the heavens.” He chuckles and goosebumps rise on my skin. Wow is this building far?

“Are you cold?” Confusion and a hint of humor fills his voice. I am far from cold or warm or hot. I am Burning!

“No, the occasional shivers.” His hand trails up from the small of my back to the top.

“Don’t be scared, I wont hurt you. Here is the building.” His hand points to the nice building and I can smell bacon and eggs. He winks and runs towards the opposite side of the building. I am so confused. I walk myself to the entrance to see only councilors goofing off and being totally hot. Cologne fills the room along with aftershave so I just smile all the way to a table and pull out my phone.

Where the hell are you? Hurry up! – Belle. I wait what seems like an eternity as I wait for a reply. I feel stares all around me and the whispers. I occasionally look up to meet eyes with the extremely hot guys. Oh my God this is heaven on earth.

Calm your tits Belle we are coming, we may have followed you two. ;D Y’all are cute! He totally digs you. Were coming, look up. – Meg

I do as she says to see Cane staring at me from another table smiling probably causing me to blush. This is so much emotion towards him that I have never felt and I don’t know what to do, cry? Laugh? Vomit? Smile? Scream? Nothing does this justice. “Damn y’all are cute.” Meg smiles sitting right in front of my line of vision. The rest of thee girls all sit around me.


“You are really red, you should probably go cool off in the bathroom. I will come with.” Meg and I stand up immediately and rush off past Cane into the restrooms where I lean over the sink feeling the bile rush up to my throat begging to come out. “Are you alright?” Her hot hand is placed on the top of my back making me remember Canes.

“Yeah, this is just new for me. I don’t know what to do! What if he is playing me? I just met him an hour ago. Well not met, saw him. Then met him five minutes ago. I have so much emotion and connection to him I am terrified of rejection or him playing me. Meg I don’t know what to do?”

“Are you about to start?” She knows me best.

“Yeah.” She fumbles in her pockets and drawstring back pack to pull out some tumbs. 

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