Chapter 47

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My stomach grumbles for food but I just want to get inside and I don't think I could possible drive the cart or walk for that matter. If so I could seriously get hurt. The piles of toilet paper just keep getting higher with the sixteenth role ive collected. The day Cane leaves is the day I need him most to help me clean this up. My mind is racing with insults to this entire camp, to every single person. Even though when I am mad I cant really find any good insults to insult the people with.

"What happened here?" Veils voice is loud and clear, the creak of the gate fence indicates he's entered. More tears flow for no reason, or maybe because our flowers are now destroyed and I just suck my hands in a shattered almost baked egg. Veil places his hands on my burnt shoulders and I wince away in pain not acknowledging he is here the best I can. "Belle? What is going on? Why are you out here? You are burning up."

"Do you think I don't know that!" I shout whipping around to see his startled expression before I continue to work, the sun is scorching my skin but I need to get through this. "Girls, girls happened! Mean jealous bitches. That's just it." I sneer just to satisfy his question so he will leave me alone. My back is absolutely killing me from bending down so much to scoop up the giant pile of T.P and dumping it elsewhere. My skin itches like crazy, mostly on my hands and wrists but I don't know why. It itches really bad but ive been able to ignore it.

"You need to rest, you need food and water. How long have you been out here?"

"Well depends what time breakfast was, two hours after that I started, then whatever time it is now." I finally have made it to the porch entrance and you can see our ugly pathway. Eggs are all over the yard and our flower beds are destroyed and all broken. Before I start working on the porch I throw over all the piles onto the other side so I don't have to look at them one moment longer.

"You have been out here for five hours? Have you had anything to drink?" I whip around to face him to show him my burned face, and dry lips.

"I love this house so much. No I have not had one break! I have not had any food or water! So if you will excuse me I have work to finish. If you came here for some toilet paper help yourself to a pile. Already picked up twenty eight rolls worth." I trudge to the porch with my blood boiling, I was able to calm down until now. I just don't want to talk to people anymore.

"Here." He shoves a water bottle in front of my face and it looks so cool. My eyes follow the outer water droplets that drizzle off the sides of it, it looks like it just came out of a cooler. "Drink it, I have plenty where that came from." I eye it warily before I gladly take it silently thanking him and drinking it all quickly before throwing it over the fence. Before I get back to work he takes my upper arm to investigate my hands for some reason. "Did you have a fight with poison Ivy or something?" He now takes both my upper arms so he doesn't touch my itchy arms.

"No, all I have been doing is cleaning up for the past five hours." He looks back from the toilet paper then to my hands before he sighs frustrated. His hands loosens on mine and he runs his hands through his hair.

"They put itching powder in the toilet paper. Im thinking the farther you go in the more they put it on. I need to take you to the huts." He stares into my eyes pleading for me to follow him but I just turn around and continue cleaning up.The porch is easier because it really is all just a giant pile filling it up so I cant make it to the door. Veil just watches me push it all out and out through the perfect gate that was left untouched. Thankfully. "Belle, come on your almost done lets just go to the doctor."

"Veil! I am fine! I have to clean the eggs up so our yard doesn't smell aweful now that we don't have any flowers!" I scream on the top of my lungs, this house was just perfect and some jelous bitches had to go and destroy it.

"Open the gates." Veils walkie talkie goes off signaling that they are home. They said they would be back later, this isn't later. Veil gets into his cart shoving all his stuff onto the bottom of it for a human sixed spot available.

"Come on, lets go say hi to Cane. He can handle all of this."

"He is probably going to be tired. So I am not going to let him 'handle' all of this. So you can go greet him at the gate but I am going to scrape fried eggs off of my porch and path. Have fun." My tone is very annoyed like my mother is with us before she answers the phone. I get back to my work listening hard for him to leave. He only sighs before he makes his way down back to greet Cane. This must have to have taken people forever to do, unless they have been planning this for a while and they had many people to help. Who ever did this some people should be itchy. I will just deal with it tomorrow after I take a nice long cold shower and relax in my bed.

Tears fall down my faces yet again from the pain of the sunburn on my shoulders and the itchiness of my arms and hands. Why would someone want to do this to another person? Sure its fun to do to other people but now that I am in the position to clean it up, its not funny. I use the toilet paper to help scoup off the eggs but it only hurts my fingers more. I let the sobs escape me in frustration and pain. I just want Cane to come home to me and just hold me tight. The sun is sill out but its starting to go down so itll be cooler for me to scrape the eggs off. My arms are puffy and red, I am probably have a small allergic reaction to this. Its spreading all the way to the top of my elbows and it hurts terribly to bend them.

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