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It has been about three months since the Wild Hunt and Douglas was defeated, three months that Scott's pack still didn't trust me and three months since I disappeared. After the fight against the Riders I stayed with Tal at her loft while things settled down, the rest of the pack was heading off to college and Tal was still in between decisions. I couldn't effect Tal's future so in the middle of the night I disappeared leaving Tal a small message behind. For the past few months I had been living in my truck staying in parking lots of different places only to be woken by the police telling me to leave. Tal has called my cell multiple times but I ignored each of her calls even after I had to hear the heartbreaking the voicemails she left. Twirling my phone I saw about ten voicemails all from Tal, each ranged between 2 to 15 minutes. I was parked behinf the animal clinic tonight, I laid in my backseat like I always did and my thumb hestated on the most recent voicemail. Sighing I pressed against the message and closed my eyes picturing Tal standing before me. 


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"Theo...please tell me where you are? I know why you ran, you ran because you thought you were holding me back. You thought that you were keeping me from going to college, having a future, find someone else, have a family whatever. You forget that we are still linked and no matter how much we don't want that we are forced to feel it. I can still feel you; I feel your sadness, your stress and your depression. I need to know that you are alright Theo. I told Scott and Stiles that you are my responsibility and now that you are MIA they are getting worried that you have fallen back into your bad habits. Please Theo...please call me." Tal's message replied I opened my eyes feeling my heart sink lower into my stomach. I knew the sadness in her voice was very concerning and I knew maybe it would be better to drive by to check on her. Sliding into my front seat I heard someone tap on my window when I turned to see a gun pointing at me. Looking at my windshield I saw some blinding headlights and more guns aimed at me. With quick movements I ducked down as gunfire erupted piercing through my windows and then smoke filled my car making my head feel heavy. With my vision blurring I saw someone emerge before I collapsed unconscious.

 With my vision blurring I saw someone emerge before I collapsed unconscious

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"What happened?" I asked he looked up at me as he dumped his dust pan of what looked like glass into the trash can.

"You called me because of a break in? Come on Deaton...I have enough on my plate right now." I reminded Deaton glared back at me before moving to the table behind him and held me a bloody bandage. I took it into my hands and a familiar scent filled my nose worrying me even more. "Theo?"

	"Follow me outside

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"Follow me outside." Deaton replied I followed him through the broken door and saw Theo's truck parked there. IT was rattled with bullet holes causing me to sink deeper and lower to the floor. He was here the whole time and whoever was hear, they went after him. I took a few steps towards the truck and ran my fingers across the metal hearing the gunfire rang out in my ears. "I found it this morning...along with this." I turned to see him hold a bullet casing. My fingers traced across the casing feeling a familiar etching and anger fueled against me.

"Argent..." I whispered harshly under my breath when my gaze turned to a concerned Deaton who was trying to understand what I meant.

"Chris?" he asked looking at the bullet casing in my hands, I turned my gaze back and took a small inhale of the scent on the bullet.

"Worse....Gerard." I hissed tightening my grip on the bullet casing feeling it dent slightly on the bullet casing. I should've been here, I should've done something and now I don't know if Theo was alive or dead. 

~~Uh oh Gerard has someone who belongs Tal, she isn't happy hahahaha -DW~~

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~~Uh oh Gerard has someone who belongs Tal, she isn't happy hahahaha -DW~~

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