Scott McCall PT:11

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I told Scott that I wasn't a hundred percent and it would be better for me to stay with Stiles and Lydia at the station while he and Liam joined Theo in going after Mason. Stiles was talking with Lydia on the couch in his father's office when Sheriff Stilinski showed up on my side. 

"How are you feeling Tal?" he asked I forgot that Stiles had told him about Scott and I taking on the Beast as normal humans resulting in both of us to be injured severely.

"All healed body still kills but I'm alive." I answered turning my gaze to look at Stiles which he flashed a smile towards me before returning to his conversation with Lydia.

"I never thanked you Tal..." Sheriff Stilinski started I turned to look at him while he was watching him stare at his son in the office. 

"For what?" I asked Sheriff Stilinski looked over at me, I saw his soft blue eyes looking into mine and he smiled at me.

"For being there for Stiles...for always protecting him and for being such a great friend to him even when I didn't trust you in the beginning." he exclaimed I nodded towards him before returning my gaze to Stiles again. Then an foul smell filled my nose as a very tall man walked into the station, my eyes squinted when Sheriff Stilinski seemed nervous around the man. "Tal...take Stiles and Lydia and get them both out of here." I moved past the man grabbing both Stiles's and Lydia's arms pulling them out of the office. The tall man began talking with the Sheriff in his office when Stiles pulled out his phone his brown eyes went wide and he grabbed my arm pulling me into the hallway.

"Tal...he's the Beast..." Stiles whispered before I could speak I heard gunfire erupt into the room as I took Stiles slamming him into the wall using my body to shattered debris. I knew Lydia was still out there and so was his father. 

"Call Scott...warn him..." I replied moving to the hall when Stiles grabbed my arm stopping me as I turned to look at him.

"What are you going to do?" he asked releasing my arm from his grip and I moved close to him with the wooden debris splintered across the room.

"I'm gonna lure him away so you can get Lydia out of here...he's looking for me's the only option we got." I reminded Stiles couldn't speak just nod as I moved through the flying debris when I saw the Beast holding the Sheriff by his throat. I saw Lydia holding her neck as blood began to drizzle down her pale skin, he must've known she was a banshee and that her voice could stop him so he silenced her. 

"Sebastian Valet..." I exclaimed his head slowly turned to look at me standing there unafraid until I heard him snicker underneath his breath. I tightened both of my hands into tight fists hearing the knuckles crack underneath my fists. "Let him go!"

 "Let him go!"

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"Silly girl...why don't you run along before I change my mind." he snickered turning back to the Sheriff who kept his gaze onto me.

"I heard you were looking for the Alpha." I answered his head snapped back towards my direction almost like this perked up his interest.

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