Brett Talbot PT: 1

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~~This set of one shots was requested to me by JENNSAINTGNUETALBOT  thanks for your request and enjoy:)~~

I was waiting for Liam to get out of the locker room, he practically begged me to help him in controlling his anger along with the shift. Sitting on the bleachers remembering the Lacrosse game and how angry I saw Liam was towards the one boy from Devenford Prep showed Scott that he needed more training. My phone vibrated when I checked I saw that Liam was going to be a bit late, I rolled my eyes putting my phone back into my pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair when I heard a small growl ahead of me, lifting my head I saw a Berserker emerge through the woods heading towards me. 

I jumped to my feet feeling my fangs elongate and my eyes burned Gold and I flicked my claws out

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I jumped to my feet feeling my fangs elongate and my eyes burned Gold and I flicked my claws out. His roars made it feel like ground was shaking, I roared at him charging towards the Berserker who was running at me. A few steps apart I used all of my strength to jump into the air and drove my fist down onto him. His blade slashed across my body, it tore through the fabric but missed my flesh. I struck him hard into his abdomen but I could feel the vibrations push against us but it did nothing. I lashed out a few more shots but it was like hitting a wall, I tried to do one more strike but the Berserker caught my arm. His other hand grabbed my throat tightened his grip as he hoisted me into the air. The one hand that held my arm twisted and the bones in my arm snapped causing a weak gasp to escape my throat. His grip on my throat tightened more and more as I could feel my vision starting to blur. He released my broken arm as I could see his arm holding up the blade, he was preparing to jam it into my stomach. I heard a muffled roar from behind the Berserker then a wolf jumping onto the Berserker's back which made him release my throat to turn his attention to the other wolf. I hit the floor hard, my head was pumping as blood was flowing again and I took my other hand placing it onto the broken one. I popped the bones in my arm so it can heal, my cloudy vision slowly cleared as I watched the Berserker take on the werewolf. A few moments later the Berserker retreated and the werewolf charged towards me, at first I thought it was Liam but the werewolf was much taller. He was wearing a green Lacrosse jersey as he bent down in front of me, his blue eyes were now looking at me and his dirty blonde hair flopped in his face. Now I knew who he was; he was that Devenford Prep kid that Liam was angry with. It was Brett Talbot.  

"Are you alright?" he asked his voice was calm as he was trying to hide his heavy breathing since his encounter with the Berserker

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"Are you alright?" he asked his voice was calm as he was trying to hide his heavy breathing since his encounter with the Berserker.

"Yeah...I'll heal...thanks for your help." I answered moving my wrist in circles hearing loud pops from my bones letting them realign to heal quicker. Brett nodded holding out is hand to help me to my feet, I took it with my non-broken hand and he helped me back up. Before he could say anything I heard muffled growling behind me; I turned to see it was Liam, his eyes burning Gold and he began moving towards us. I got the sense that he was about to start a brawl with Brett as I stepped forward grabbing Liam and used my strength to hold him back. "Liam...Liam chill...Brett just saved my life." Liam looked at me then looked back at Brett, his eyes returned to blue and he was now back to normal.

"Easy there Dunbar...I just saw her fighting a Berserker and I figured I help her then sit by and watch her die." Brett exclaimed I turned a small bit keeping my hand still on Liam's chest in case he tried to lunged on him.

"Let's go Liam...thanks again Brett." I nodded he gave me a small nod and I pulled Liam with me, I could see the hate burning in Liam's face the whole walk back to my car. I turned back one final time to see Brett giving me a small wave goodbye and he moved away from the field. Something felt weird in the air, something I couldn't shake but I only had one question on my mind; was Brett a friend or was he a foe?

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