Void Stiles PT: 7

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~~I know this is a Void Stiles one shot but in the previous part Void was destroyed, this is the aftermath; where Becca and Stiles lie and if they are together in the future?~~



It has been now three months since Becca broke up with me, I still see her when I come over to see Scott but she leaves before we have a chance to talk. Scott told me that Becca was trying to adjust to being a werewolf and learn control over the full moon though I know that he knew something that he didn't want me to know. Scott and I were walking into the Library when my eyes fell onto Becca who was sitting at the table in the far right with Malia in front of her. Our eyes locked for a moment, I pushed a smile at her and I saw her try to smile back then she looked away from me.

"So I guess Becca is officially never going to look or even talk to me again..." I sighed with Scott looking over at his sister then his gaze turned back to me.

"Stiles...Becca loves you..." he started my face turned to his, I could see the look in his eye that he was definitely keeping something from me.

"If she loves me then why did she break up with me? Don't tell me it's because she's afraid she'll hurt me during a Full Moon because I know that's bull since I helped you with the Full Moon." I reminded watching Scott's jaw tighten looking over at his sister who was sitting still at the table, I remembered she was probably listening to the conversation. "You know something Scott? I know that it has something to do with when the Nogitsune was around and you both are keeping it from me."

"Look Stiles...it's not my place to tell you...it's Becca's choice and if she's not ready to tell you then you need to be patient with her." Scott replied my hands gripped the table when I saw Becca stand up and moved away from Malia to probably get away from the conversation. 

"Yeah...but you know she won't tell me. Scott please just tell me...did I do something to Becca? I can take it just tell me what did I do?" I begged watching Scott sigh sitting down in the chair behind him and I sat in the one next to him holding both of my hands.

"What do you remember during the times the Nogitsune possessed you?" Scott asked I turned my eyes to my hands letting my memories flash through my mind.

"Not much...bits and pieces here and there. I remember watching him stab Becca with the scalpel, I remember feeling helpless and screaming at him to stop. I could feel all the pain...all the fear but I had no idea why at the time." I exclaimed turning my eyes to Scott who looked over his shoulder to see Becca who was trying to talk to Malia in order to avoid Malia from overhearing our conversation. Scott looked back at me sighing sharply when he looked at me again, my stomach definitely knotted up in anticipation to what happened.

 "It wasn't you Stiles...okay? Remember that." Scott answered which definitely made it a lot harder for me to even think what I could possibly done.

"Scott...just spit it out...I can take it." I replied seeing Scott's dark eyes harden on mine, I got the feeling that whatever it was told me that I wouldn't be able to take it.    


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