Stiles Stilinski PT: 1

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~~Side Note: In the Stiles Stilinski One Shots Malia Tate doesn't exist~~ ~~Stilinskis_Girl~~

PART 1 of 6 (#TILES)

Something was happening to all the werewolves in the Motel, first with Isaac and Boyd nearly trying to kill themselves leaving it to me, Lydia and Allison to stop them. We realized we had to burn them to snap them out of whatever was controlling them to do these things. Both my best friends; Tal and Scott both vanished as soon as we got here which has gotten me worried since everything that was going on. After we rescued Ethan from using the buzzsaw to slice himself open it was time for us to find both Tal and Scott.

"I'll go find guys look for Scott." I replied taking charge both Lydia and Allison nodded taking off in the opposite direction from where I was going. Slowly I moved through the rooms trying to keep it down to those who were asleep during this whole situation. I got to the room Scott and I were sharing; I know Tal was going to be staying in here as well since she couldn't tolerate Lydia and Allison. Once I walked in I felt something was off in the air, I saw that the bathroom door was halfway closed and the light flickered on and off. I moved to the door taking the knob into my hand pushing it open to see Tal standing there with her back to me, she was staring blankly at the mirror almost like she was mesmerized by her reflection. She looked like Isaac when we found him looking at the the television static, her hazel eyes looked almost lifeless and both of her hands braced against the porcelain sink. "Tal...? It's Stiles..."

"Tal...Talia Hale the name I was given after my late grandmother, the Alpha Family Matriarch and the one who I am supposed to live up to in order to become the next powerful Alpha." she started scoffing at her own words lowering her head from the reflection then she returned her gaze. I felt stiff not wanting to advance on her, whatever was controlling their minds made them very dangerous and I knew how dangerous Tal could be when angered.

"You'll make a great Alpha Tal...your family will be proud of you." I replied hearing her scoff again almost like she wasn't convinced and I watched her face tighten.

" I replied hearing her scoff again almost like she wasn't convinced and I watched her face tighten

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"What family? I have no one left." she reminded I forced my mouth to stay shut seeing the anger starting to boil inside her. She cracked her neck then I saw her eyes go from looking at herself to looking at me behind her. "Do you know what I see when I look into this mirror Stiles?"

"What?" I asked she gripped the porcelain sink tighter into her grip she clenched her teeth pushing her jaw to be tight before releasing a huge gasp from her chest.

"I see my mother, the woman who gave me life, the woman who protected me and what did I do to thank her? I stood by and let Peter kill her. When I look at my eyes I see Derek, the only family I had left in this world, the one who saved me from Ennis and I let him fall to his death. I could've done something to stop all of this from happening, I could've saved them both if I wasn't so weak." she exclaimed before I could speak I saw her werewolf eyes appeared in place of her once cold blue eyes and her fangs began to bare with anger fuming her now. The porcelain sink cracked into her grip, shards of the ceramic fell across the floor and the water began to spray everywhere soaking Tal's black tank top though she remained still. "They're right, I'm a monster just like Peter Fucking Hale." she slammed her fist into the mirror this time shattering her image into bits until she couldn't see herself anymore. I jumped watching her turn around holding a huge piece of the mirror in her hands as she looked up at me. I watched her lift the piece up pressing it to her throat and she was about to slice across her neck as I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"You're not a monster are nothing like Peter. Please don't do this..." I begged keeping my hand firmly onto hers trying to use any strength I had to pull against Tal's. I had nothing with me to burn her in order to snap her out of whatever was affecting her like the others. 

"Why? I'll be doing you and Scott a favor. I'm not strong enough to be an Alpha, I'm not my grandmother or my mother or even Derek. I'm all alone; Cora and I can't stand each other and I can't take in anymore pain Stiles. It's too much..." she gasped I could see she was at the breaking point, I knew Tal held a lot inside herself and now it was taking its toll on her. 

"Then let it out don't have to be strong right now. You lost so much that you deserve to break down and be weak. You are not alone Tal, I'm right here and I'm never going to leave your side ever." I exclaimed her gaze locked into my eyes and I could feel her hand began to shake in mine which told me that I was starting to get to her. I felt her grip on the piece of the mirror begin to loosen and I felt myself take the shard from her hand tossing it in the trash next to me.  

"Why...?" she asked I could see her eyes become glossy like the tears were right at the surface and I could see that she was trying to still fight them back. I took her bare arms into both of my hands feeling her ice cold wet skin in my grip.

"You are my best friend Tal; you are the strongest girl I ever always protect me from every supernatural threat we had face from Peter, Jackson now the Alpha Pack. The night you had the opportunity to kill Peter for what he has done, no one was going to stop you but you couldn't do it. You stopped yourself because you were afraid that I would see you as a monster but I would never look at you like that. I will never leave your side Tal; not now not ever okay? You always help me, I am right here now please let me help you." I explained the moment I said those words I felt Tal drop from my grip to her knees, I felt myself fall to my knees seeing Tal's tears began streaming down her cheeks like a mudslide. I took the back of her head with my hands pulling her to my chest, I held her close to me feeling her body pant from the tears. "Let it out Tal..." She moved her head away from my chest for a minute then she yelled in my grip, for the last five minutes she did nothing but scream until she was exhausted. 

She moved from my grip until we looked at eachother, I took my thumb pressing it to her cheek wiping the remaining tears from her face

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She moved from my grip until we looked at eachother, I took my thumb pressing it to her cheek wiping the remaining tears from her face. Before I could say anything I heard a pair of racing footsteps coming towards the bathroom, Tal turned her head away and when I looked behind me I saw it was Lydia.

"We found's not good. He's by the bus covered in gasoline and has the flare in his hands, Stiles hurry." Lydia announced before running back to the direction of Scott and I turned my head to look back at Tal.

"Go...I'm fine." she whispered I touched her knee with my hand again then got to my feet rushing towards the direction Lydia ran. I guess I wasn't weak like I thought either, I managed to save my one best friend now I had to save the other.       


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