Stiles Stilinski PT:2

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~~This may be Stiles One Shot but this is when he was possessed by Void~~

Part 2 (#VAL or #TOID)

I found myself at the Loft of Derek and Tal Hale, based on the memories I saw inside my host's mind I knew Tal would do anything to save Stiles even if it meant to protect me from harm. The Loft looked empty until I sensed a presence from above me forcing me to turn to that direction. When I looked up I saw a girl dressed in black and jeans staring at me from the spiral staircase and I knew it was Tal. 

"Well...well....well...finally I get to meet the famous Talia Hale. I've heard alot about you; you are the Future Alpha of the Hale family and you are one of the strongest werewolves at your age. You have an amazing track record in which you have never lost a fight against anyone well until now that is." I snickered watching her move down the spiral staircase keeping those blue eyes locked onto me, I could feel her pain radiating off her body and I could feel Stiles's heartbeat alittle rapidly not sure out of fear or something else.

"Am I supposed to be impressed that a parasite that has spent years trapped under the Nemeton knows who I am?" she wondered I chuckled keeping my eyes on her and placed my hands behind my back she was now only a few feet away from me.

"Am I supposed to be impressed that a parasite that has spent years trapped under the Nemeton knows who I am?" she wondered I chuckled keeping my eyes on her and placed my hands behind my back she was now only a few feet away from me

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"What can I say? I'm a big fan." I smiled evilly watching her eyes squint only a bit when the Loft door slammed open catching my attention. It was my host's father the Sheriff of Beacon Hills coming to find his son so I decided to play alone watching him stop next to Tal. I saw him take out a pair of handcuffs from his pouch and began to move slowly towards me. "You want to handcuff me Sheriff?"

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me because he knows we are here to protect him from himself and from others." Sheriff Stilinski exclaimed I decided to pretend holding out both of my hands for him to place the cuff on my wrists. The moment he finished locking the cuffs onto my wrists we locked eyes for a moment then a sly smile began to form on my host's face. "You're not my son." The moment he finished I snapped the cuffs off my wrists and before I could advance Tal took the Sheriff into her grip pulling him behind her. 


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