Chapter 1

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It was April 1981, and life was in over-drive for the Gummers. Henry was now 17 months old, and was into everything. Meryl had appeared on Broadway in Alice in January. She was deep in rehearsals and dialect coaching for her upcoming movie, Sophie's Choice, while she was also wrapping up the movie Still of the Night. In the midst of all this she was busy with publicity for French Lieutenant's Woman which was set to premiere in the fall. Don was just as busy with exhibitions, lectures, and sculpting. They didn't know how, but they somehow managed to arrange their schedules so one of them was home for Henry, and when they weren't, then her parents cared for him.

Things had seemed to settle down on the James front. He was slowly getting better physically. According to Don's mother and brothers he was taking medication and desperately wanted to make a mends with Don and Meryl. Don had BRIEFLY spoken to him on the phone and didn't believe it for a minute. There was no way he was letting his father anywhere near his family. He had kept the restraining order against him and Peggy in place. He wasn't taking a chance, not for one second.


Don and Meryl felt like they had hardly spent any time alone together. Their sex life was as hot and passionate as always, but they were missing couple time. Time just to sit down and talk-not about sculptures, not about shoots, not about Henry's schedule; but about life. They both were looking forward to that evening. It was Friday-date night. Something they hadn't done in quite a long time. Don was feeding Henry breakfast when he heard his wife on the phone in the kitchen.

"That's okay Mom, I understand. Yeah, tell Daddy to feel better. You two just stay home so he can rest. I'll talk to you soon. Love you, bye." Meryl sighed when she hung up. "Damn it!"

Don knew this wasn't going to be good. "Babe?"

Meryl took a deep breath as she walked into the kitchenette where Don and Henry were. "Date night is off."

Don nodded, sadly. "I heard. Your Dad is sick?"

Meryl sat down next to Don and finished her coffee and toast. "Yeah, he has a cold and they are afraid he'll give to Henry."

Don hated it, but he understood. "What about Maeve and Harry?"

Meryl shook her head. "They're in Massachusetts visiting her brother, his wife, and their new baby."

Don forgot about that. "Dana?"

Meryl couldn't help but laugh. "You think Dana is free on a Friday night in the city to watch his nephew?"

"Good point." Don sighed. "Well, I guess its date night in."

Meryl was close to tears. She loved their baby more than anything, but she was really looking forward to a night out. They were going to a nice dinner, no highchair or baby food. Then they were going to some galleries. Then they had planned on going out for drinks and dancing. "I'm really sorry, Don Man."

Don could tell she was really upset. "Hey." He cupped her cheek. "It happens. Maybe next weekend? Besides, it's not like a date night in is out of the ordinary."

Meryl just nodded. "I know, I just really needed this time with you."

Don became concerned. "Babe, what's going on?"

Meryl was hormonal, she knew it. "I don't know. I'm just so hormonal. I know it's because I have gone off the pill and my body is adjusting. It's just..." She trailed off.

"What?" Don asked.

"Is it selfish for us to have another baby when we barely have time for each other?" She sighed.

Don didn't waste a moment. "Not at all. Babe, we're busy right now but things will calm down. It's your last day on this film, and then we don't go to Europe until the Fall. We'll have down time. Once summer hits my lecturing schedule will lighten up.We planned on spending on all summer out in Millerton at the house. I'll still be working on sculptures and you'll still be practicing your accent but things will be much calmer, more normal. It's just the time right now. Things will get better." He said pulling her into a tight embrace.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now