New Love - #94

373 21 14

Last time: Miku received a letter telling her to meet by the fountain after the school day has ended. I wonder who it could have been from? XD

Miku's PoV

Yay - it's finally the end of the day.

Everyone else is packing their bags, excited to get out of this jail.

Well, I'm throwing my school equipment in my bag at the speed of light as well, but for different reasons.

"You've got a love confession to accept~!" Teto grins as she passes my desk.

I stare after her, smiling.

"Yeah, I do." I whisper, clutching the strap of my bag tightly and walking out of the classroom, getting swept down the corridor by the sea of students that are all elbowing their way to freedom (for a few hours, at least..)

I skip over to the fountain, sitting on the edge and staring into the crystal-blue water. My reflection stares back at me. I looks at the girl in the water - her nervous smile, shining blue eyes.

I look away from the water, looking up at the sky. Unlike the past couple of weeks, it isn't pouring down with rain, instead there are only a few candy-floss clouds drifting across the deep blue sky.

I look down from the sky, to see a figure coming towards me. My heart starts to thump, and I can feel a mixture of emotions, including nervousness and excitement.

I take some deep breaths as the future comes closer to me. I flash a smile, hopping back onto the ground and bounding over to them.

He smiles as he sees me.

"Hello, Miku." He greets me.

"Hi." I greet him back, an unusual shyness coming over me. Kaito walks me back over to the fountain.

"So, you got the letter?" He asks. I nod, delving into my bag and getting the letter out. I hold it up.

"Thank you." I thank him quietly. He nods and smiles.

"The reason I wanted to meet you here is because I have... a confession to make." Kaito tells me slowly, hesitating occasionally. I can tell he is trying to pick his words carefully.

"You do?" I feel my heartbeat speed up - I'm surprised he doesn't hear it.

"Yes." Kaito responds.

There's a short silence. I stand there quietly, twirling a strand of hair around my finger, waiting to hear what Kaito has to say.

Eventually, he looks at me with a glint of determination showing in his dark blue eyes.

"Hatsune Miku, you are a very beautiful girl. Your looks, your personality, your attitude, your smile - everything." He tells me. I feel my cheeks go bright red at these compliments.

"Th-thanks.." I manage to say, hiding my blush behind my bangs.

Kaito smiles as he keeps on speaking.

"I know you've told me Meiko wants to get romantically involved with me, but I just don't feel that way about her - we are friends, and nothing more. My heart belongs to someone else." He pauses for a second, before continuing to speak. "This girl has pretty blue eyes, an amazing smile, beautiful long hair, a contagious laugh, and her name is Miku."

Again, I'm speechless, and my blush is reappearing. Kaito carries on talking.

"You're the one I love, Miku. You're the one I want to spend my life with, you're the one I want to share special memories with, you're the one I want to call my own - not Meiko. You."

I repeat his words in my head, thinking that I am dreaming. I sure hope not..

"So, Miku, I just wanted to ask... Will you... Will you be my girlfriend?" Kaito is staring right at me. He looks scared; scared of being rejected.

He actually just asked me to be his girlfriend. Oh. My. Goshhhh!

I readjust my bangs, my mouth twisted into a smile, the smile he said he loves to see.

I look directly at him, tilting my head to one side, still flashing him an angelic smile.

"Kaito... You have no idea how happy I am at the moment. When I first met you I knew I wanted to get closer to you. When we started hanging out these feelings grew so much stronger - I knew I had a crush on you."

I take a step towards him.

"I say yes." I tell him. Kaito grins - this is the happiest I've ever seen him.

He throws his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug him back, feeling just as happy as he is.

"Thank you... Thank you so much, Miku." Kaito thanks me.

I smile happily. It's now official - we are now official.

I think it is safe to say I love this charming blue-haired ice-cream loving boy.

I love you.

Narrator: and cut!

Rin, Luka, Gumi and Teto: aww! c':

Miku: ^////^

Rin: *hugs Miku* that was sooo cuuute!

Miku: let go of... me..! >~<

Rin: sorry, I'm just excited. See you all in the next part!

Vocaloid: VOCAL ACADEMYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang