More Karaoke - #22

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Last time: The Vocaloids participated in a karaoke.

Miku's PoV

I jumped off the stage, and I'm greeted by Rin and Luka, who both hug me.


"I told you you'd rock it!" Luka said, and both girls hugged me tighter.

"Can't breathe..!" I say desperately, and they let go, smiling helplessly and apologising.

Teto and Gumi bound up to me.

"Girl, you did fantastic!" Gumi exclaimed.

"Yes! You were awesome!" Teto said, her twin drills bouncing as she skipped around me.

"Thanks guys..." I reply.

Everyone kept telling me how good I was.

I wasn't used to this sort of attention so I jut nodded shyly and thanked everyone.

Then Kaito approached me.

I blushed madly. Did he like it? Hate it?

Kaito's PoV

I never realised how talented Miku was.

Her voice sounded so beautiful - it was breathtaking.

I approach her slowly. She looks at me and starts blushing.

I smile at her.

"Miku.... That was an outstanding performance." I tell her.

Her blue eyes shine with happiness as she smiles at me.

"Th-thank you Kaito! I'm glad you could be here to watch.." She said, blushing more. I chuckle.

"I'm glad I'm here to. Do you sing a lot?" I ask her.

She shakes her head.

Wait, what...?

"Well, you should definitely sing more. I'm sure many people would love to hear that beautiful singing voice of yours." I say with a wink, turn away and leave the room, a faint blush now staining my own cheeks.

Miku's PoV

I think I may have just died and went to heaven.

Kaito just came up to me and said I have a beautiful voice!

And he wants me to sing more!

I feel like I could explode with happiness.

If only Meiko was here to witness Kaito's speech.

I sit back down at the table, and Luka goes up in the stage, and sings Just be Friends.

She looks so beautiful and confidential, I envy her.

Yes, everyone's been saying they like my voice, even though I probably looked like a nervous wreck.

She ends the song and earns a loud, deserving round of applause. She smiled and skips back over to the table.

"Wow," Teto said, "that was A-MA-ZING."

Luka smiled and high-fived Rin, and then Len.

Then she takes her seat next to me.

"So Gumi's the only one that needs to go up then." Len said leaning back in his chair.

Teto nods, and literally pushes Gumi out of her seat.

"Give it your all, Gumi-chan~!" she says sweetly.

Gumi smiles, "I will do!"

She takes her position on the stage and sang Bad Apple.

She was really good and sung with confidence.

We all clapped when she finished singing.

"You were amazing, bestie!" Teto says, jumping out of her seat and giving Gumi a massive hug.

"I know." Gumi said, accepting the hug.

"Nice performance, Gumi." Luka said.

Gumi sat back at the table.

We stayed for a while longer, talking about songs and fashion and video games (well, Len was anyway...)

Eventually it started to get dark, and we all left the mall.

"Bye guys~!" Gumi and Teto called, and skipped off into the distance.

"See ya" Len called, and Luka and I both waved.

Rin mumbles something that could be a goodbye.

"Well, we better get going as well, Rin." Len said.

"Fine." Rin replied, rolling her eyes. "See you guys on Monday~!" And with that, they began walking off.

"Right, I better go and pick my little sister up from her friends..." Luka said.

My eyes lit up.

"You have a little sister?" I ask.

Luka looks at me and nods. I smile.

"Can I, um, come with you?" I ask.

"I don't see why not." Luka shrugged.

"Yay, thanks~!" I said, and we began walking down the street.

Narrator:And cut~
Arigatou and sayonara~!

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