At the Kagamine's - #45

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A/N: so I noticed that this fanfic has reached 100 views! Thank you guys so much! Now I know I said I was putting this on hold for a few days, but I felt so bad so I managed to find time to write this chapter :3

(This chapter was brought to you by knife, two faced lovers, popipo, hello how are you, a certain night, and just be friends. I was listening to them whilst writing x3)

Last time: The trio arrived at the Kagamine household.

Rin's PoV

I sit on the edge of the uncomfortable blow-up bed.

Miku tilts her head.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep on the bed?" She checks.

I nod in response.

"Okay then.." Miku shrugs.

We sit in silence until Miku finally speaks.

"Where is your dad?" She asks.

I look at her.

"My dad's on a business trip." I say. Miku nods. "And yours? I've noticed you only live with Mikuo."

"My parents..?" Miku echoes, her voice shaky. I nod.

She sighs.

"My parents... they died when I was eight years old." Miku says sadly.

"Oh... I'm so sorry." I say, getting up and giving Miku a quick hug.

"No, no, it's fine." She says, even though I see tears in her eyes.

I lie back down on the floor bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Well, as long as Mikuo takes good care of you." I say.

"Onii-chan does to take good care of me." Miku says, "However, he's a little bit like Luka. He will occasionally push himself."

I sigh at the mentioning of Luka's name.

"She still worries me." I admit. Even after the argument I have found it in myself to forgive her. "That sickness she came down with is the least that could happen."

"Mhm.." Miku agrees, beginning to fall asleep.

I get the hint and roll onto my side, and close my eyes.


"Wake up Rin~!" I hear Miku chirp.

I sigh, burying my face in my pillow.

"Just five more hours, please.." I mumble. Miku frowns.

"No. We have school." Miku says, hoping out of bed and physically dragging me off the bed.

"Hey-!" I complain, standing up. Miku rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at me.

I reach for a brush and brush my hair.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"A lot better!" Miku smiles, and I smile back at her.

I grab my clothes and leave the room to get changed into my school uniform. I place my bow on my head and skip downstairs.

Miku has beat me to it. She is sitting at the table with Len, eating some toast.

Len notices my presence and smiles.

"Ohayo gozaimasu [good morning] Rin-chan!" He smiles.

"Ohayo gozaimasu..." I mutter, sitting down and eating the pieces of slightly burnt toast that Len had made me.

Len raised his eyebrows.

"Usually you'd be complaining that there's no oranges." Len said, causing Miku to giggle softly to herself.

"Meh. Not today. It's a bit burnt though." I shrugged.

"Hey! It's a masterpiece!" Len corrected me.

"Masterpieces get sold for millions of yen. This could go for free." I smirked.

"You're just jealous." Len stuck his tongue out at me.

"Yeah right." I rolled my blue eyes at my brother before turning to Miku, who is licking crumbs off her fingertips. "Back me up here!"

Miku pauses for a second.

"Well... There were no leeks." Miku said, pulling her sad eyes and looking at Len.

"It was still a masterpiece." Len mumbled to himself.

"Yeah. Next time leave it up to me." I say, finishing the toast and standing up. "Right, I'm going to go and get my bag and then we're off."

Miku and Len nodded as I left the room. I dashed up the stairs, grabbed my bag and skipped back down.

Miku is waiting at the bottom of the staircase, clutching her bag and waiting to go.

"Where's Len got to?" I ask, looking up to her as I tie my shoelaces.

"He's faffing around in the living room on his phone." Miku pouted.

I sighed.

"LEN!!! STOP FAFFING AROUND ON YOUR PHONE!!!" I yelled, and soon enough Len raced into the room, tucking his phone in his pocket.

"Hmph. I wasn't faffing." He said, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Whatever~! Let's go!" Miku chirped.

I eyed the cheerful tealette.

"Why are you so excited? It's school." I ask.

"Well, I get to spend the day with all of my friends, and some of the lessons are quite enjoyable." Miku shrugs.

"Oh. Well, okay then. Let's go." I say, leading Miku and Len outside, and we all walk to school.

Author: sorry it wasn't the most exciting chapter, it will get more interesting! Anyway, thanks and see you guys~!

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