Music - #6

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Last time: Miku's feelings for Kaito got stronger. Her friends notice this to, and so did her teacher...

Miku's PoV

I avert my gaze from the teacher and stare down at the desk in pure embarrassment as the blood rushes to my face.

Can you really blame me? I mean- It's not everyday a boy with dark blue hair walks into the classroom and makes you melt on the spot!

Speaking of 'Melt', I'm still excited for music... Despite my embarrassment, I smile faintly to myself as I ponder next period.

Can homeroom just end already?


Finally. After what seemed like an eternity, the bell rings, signalling the end of the lesson. Eagerly, I jump out of my seat, grab my bag and rush out of the room... before stopping short as I realise that I can't find the right room alone.

I sheepishly walk back over to the classroom to wait for Luka. She soon comes over to me, with an amused smirk on her face.

"I thought you had gone without me~" she tells me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sorry." I apologise, giggling. She laughs along with me and together we walk to class.


Everyone was staring at the teacher, Mr Hiyama, with anticipation.

After a brief moment of silence, he clears his throat and speaks. "You are all going to sing a duet with someone else." He declares. "you can chose whoever you wish."

Happiness and excitement fizzed up inside of me as the teacher spoke, like a bottle of coke.

Eventually, he stops explaining what we had to do and blah-de-blah. In my excitement, I had got lost in my whirlwind of thoughts and forgot to pay attention to what he was saying.

I jump out of my seat begin looking for someone to work with. I noticed Kaito had nobody, but, once again, the brown-haired girl went over to him and asked if they could work together. There goes my opportunity!

Then I noticed Luka standing next to me. "Want to work together?" she asks me, to which I nod my head and smile in response.

"So what should we sing?" I ask her. She tilts her head to one side, thinking for a moment.

"Magnet? Daybreak Arrival? Worlds End Dancehall? Ai Dee?" she suggests, the list continuing on and on.

I giggled. "I'm afraid we can only and one!" I said.

"We could always do a mashup of different songs.." Luka suggests, blue eyes sparkling.

"That sounds hard..." I laugh nervously, before lowering my voice and adding, "I've never done this before..."

In the end, we decide to sing 'Magnet'.

Narrators PoV

Luka led Miku inside one of the small recording studios to practice. The studio was filled with all different kinds of instruments, complete with a couple of microphones in the centre of the room.

"Let's practice." Luka said. "You know the lyrics, right?"

Miku nodded. "Yes. At least, I think so.." She said.

"Okay, good." Luka said, waking over to the desk in the corner of the room and placing the lyrics sheet on it, next to some other paperwork, that was neatly stacked on the edge. She then took her position and beckons Miku to the microphone next to her.

Miku lets out a nervous sigh, and stands in front of the microphone.

3, 2, 1...

kabosoi hi ga kokoro no hashi ni tomoru
itsu no ma ni ka moehirogaru netsujou
watashi no chou fukisoku ni tobimawari
anata no te ni rinpun o tsuketa

karamiau yubi hodoite
kuchibiru kara shita e to
yurusarenai koto naraba
naosara moeagaru no

dakiyosete hoshii tashikamete hoshii
machigai nado nai n da to omowasete
kisu o shite nurikaete-....

Bit of a short chapter, sorry about that! >^<
EDIT: holy... this is such a bad chapter- xD I don't really like the whole "Narrators POV" thing so I'll try and change that, but at the moment I don't really have time to change the whole context... ^^"

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