The Truth - #91

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Last time: Miku and Rin took Iroha with them to visit Luka.

Miku's PoV

The weekend slowly passed us by. Besides frequent visits to the hospital, I don't really do much. I spend most of my time sitting at the tatty desk, tapping my pen against the surface and sighing endlessly at the homework laid out in front of me.

"You okay there?" Mikuo asks, walking over to me. He is carrying some paperwork, and his eyes look at me with confusion.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bit stressed." I explain. Mikuo nods slowly.

"I see. Well, I don't blame you." He responds. There's a silence between us as I scribble down what I think is the answer to one of the questions on my homework.

Mikuo sets the papers down on the table.

"How's Luka doing?" He asks eventually. I stop writing and turn around in my chair and look at him.

"She's a little better, still pretty weak though." I tell him.

"Poor thing." Mikuo murmurs, stacking the paperwork into a neat pile. I turn around and continue my homework.

Eventually I have finished.

"Right, I should probably go back to Rin's." I tell Mikuo. He looks at me and nods.

"Okay then. See you soon." He says. I give him a quick hug, before putting my shoes on, opening the door and running out of the apartment and into the rain.


I walk to school, tightly gripping into my school bag.

Rin was faffing around, so I decided to walk on my own today.

I begin heading down towards the building when I see a certain handsome blue-haired boy approaching me.

"Hey Kaito!" I call, waving. Kaito makes his way over to me.

"Hello, Miku. How are you?" He asks with a smile.

"I'm okay. It's just pretty rough at the moment, with all of these hectic events." I sigh.

Kaito leads me over to a bench, and we both sit down.

"I've been meaning to ask you about what happened." Kaito explains. "I've been noticing that Meiko has been avoiding you, Rin, and even me. What happened?"

I hesitate.

"It's quite a long story, but.." I begin to explain what happened - how Meiko and Rin fought, how Meiko pushed Luka, how I tried to restrain Meiko, how she just walked away, how Luka is in hospital - I tell him everything I remember about the tragic afternoon.

Kaito listens to every word I have to say, his blue eyes focused on me. I ignore the butterflies in my stomach and continue reciting what happened.

By the time I'm finished, I'm clinging onto the strap of my bag tightly.

Kaito moves up and wraps his arms around me. I relax a little bit and lean into his chest.

I try not to get excited about the fact I am in a situation I've wanted to be in since day one. His heart beats noisily as he speaks.

"I see. I understand it's hard for you at the moment." He tells me.

I smile a small smile.

"Thank you." I whisper.

That's when I realise some of the other students that are passing by. Some stare, some point, some make hand hearts, and some let out a long, loud wolf whistle. I feel quite embarrassed, repositioning myself, my face turning a shade of red.

Kaito looks a little embarrassed to, but he carries on talking.

"So, Meiko just came out of the blue and attacked Rin like that?" He asks.

"Well, I guess you could say that. She was drunk - she smashed the bottle on the ground. When she pushed Luka, she purposely pushed her into the shards of glass on the floor. Luka cut her stomach open." I say, shuddering at the memory. "It took ages until we finally got hold of the ambulance."

I look at Kaito. His expression looks confused, lost, betrayed.

"She's been targeting us for a while." I say in a small voice.

"Really?" Kaito asks, looking at me like he wants me to explain what exactly I mean by that.

I take a deep breath.

"When I was new, Meiko noticed me hanging around with you. She confronted me and told me that I wasn't allowed to hang out with you; she said you were hers. A couple of weeks later, when she targeted me again, Rin jumped into my defence. That pretty much kept or repeating - she targets me, Rin protects me, and then boom! The start of a new fight. Luka was sometimes with us, but she didn't want to get involved. She explained that she and Meiko were childhood friends - she told us that she can't bring herself to hate Meiko. Then, the fight last week broke out, and Luka tried to stop Meiko. But Meiko seemed to just lose every bit of respect for her so called 'childhood friend'. That's when I decided I had enough - I restrained her myself, I told her what I wanted to say, and she just stayed there with a blank face, before walking away." I take a deep breath and stop talking, glad I could get all of that off my chest.

Kaito looks bewildered.

"She's been doing this for a long time? Why didn't you tell me? And what does she mean by I'm hers?!" He asks, quite worked up.

"By that, she means she wants you. She has a crush on you." I frown at the word 'crush'. "Or, if you'd prefer, an obsession. She wants you - and only you - to herself. She doesn't want any other girl to get in her way." I tell him.

Kaito thinks for a second.

"I was so clueless." He says after a long time of silence. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

The bell rings out throughout the school. I hop of the bench.

"No problem." I respond. Kaito gets up as well.

"Come on, we better go to class." Kaito tells me. I nod, and we both begin walking towards the main school building.

Narrator: and cut x3

Miku: I... No comment. Just give me a leek.

Narrator: fine.. *hands Miku a leek*

Rin: *steals leek* heheh! >;3


Narrator: Bai~!

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