Throwback - #74

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Last time: The three friends had a pillow fight and sang songs in helium. X3

Once again, I can't get to sleep.

I twist and turn in bed, trying to distract myself from all of the unpleasant noises that are keeping me awake.

Every day the noises get noisier and last for longer. It scares me...

Is it a monster? Is there a monster under my bed?!

Terrified at the thought of a scary monster living under my bed, I switch on the light and peer under the bed. Luckily, nothing is there, besides boxes full of old toys and other stuff.

"Phew.." I say, getting back into bed.

But the noises are getting louder and louder, and scarier and scarier.

That's when I hear someone scream. My eyes shoot open, and I sit up in bed.

"What was that?!" I whisper to myself, looking around my bedroom.

I get out of bed and slide my little pink slippers on my feet.

I'm shaking as I tip-toe down the stairs, stealing a glance at the clock as I do so.

"It's midnight..." I whisper to myself as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

I stop still as I hear someone scream again. It's coming from...

"The living room!" I gasp, running over to the living room door.

I'm about to open the door, but I stop.

"I-I'm scared..." I whisper to myself, curling a strand of pink hair around my finger.

"But I have to.." I take a deep breath and open the door.

My eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

"D-dad?!" I stutter.

My dad.. He's attacking my mum.. B-but.. Why...?!

"Luka, stay away!" Mum yells.

"Dad... Let her go..." I say.

My dad laughs a very evil laugh, and he presses the knife he is holding deeper into her neck.

"Stop!!" I yell, approaching my dad.

"You're as pathetic as your mother." He comments, taking the knife and letting her go. She drops to the ground, a big, scary cut in her neck.

"D-dad..?" I whisper, wondering why my dad is acting like a bad guy.

"Come here." He demands, holding up the knife and giving me a scary look.

"No! Don't hurt her! NO!" Mum screams.

My dad swings the knife at me. I try to back away, but he manages to cut my arm.

He swings again, this time slicing through my pyjama top, and cutting the side of my stomach.

"Ow, ow! Why did you hurt me?" I cry.

"Do me a favour and get the hell out of my life, child. You were an accident, you hear me?!" He yelled, pushing me.

I fall to the ground, crying in fear and pain. My dad turns away from me, running over to my mum.

He thrusts the knife into her chest, right where her heart is.

"THIS IS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!" He screams at her.

"NO!!!" I cry.

Red blood seeps from the wound, rushing out. It's like a waterfall, but a lot more horrible. The sight of it makes me feel sick, but I can't look away...

My dad grabs a hammer that is left by the window, and smashes through the glass. He turns around to look at the mess he made and smiles before jumping out and running away.

Everything is quiet. The only sound is the sound of me crying.

I look at my mum. She has blood all over her. I crawl over to her.

"M-mum! Wake up, he's gone!" I yell, ignoring how much I am hurting and shaking her.

"MUM!! Please, wake up!" I say, hugging her tight. "Tell me your okay!" But she doesn't talk. I don't think she's breathing.

Is she...

"...dead.." I say the last of my sentence out loud, tears pouring from my eyes.

I sob, wrapping my arms around the body of what used to be my loving, funny, kind mother.

"I love you... I love you..." I sob.

The distant sound of police cars and ambulances can now be heard as I cry.

"...I'm sorry..." I whisper.


Luka's PoV

"Luka." I hear a voice whisper.

I slowly open my eyes.

"Luka, what's wrong?" The voice whispers again.

My vision is hazy, but I can just about make out the figure of a girl with blonde hair, sitting next to me.

"Rin..?" I whisper, wiping my eyes.

Rin looks at me, confusion in her blue eyes.

"I-I'm sorry... Did I wake you two up?" I ask. Rin shakes her head.

"No. Miku is still asleep." Rin answers, her voice quiet. "Anyway, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

I sit up, my eyes adjusting to the darkness in the room.

"Oh... Nightmare..." I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"A nightmare? About what?" Rin asks.

I clench my fist.

"It was more of a flashback to the night my dad attacked me and my mother..." I explain.

Rin doesn't say anything, she just reaches out and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay." She whispers. "Everything's okay."

"It's not okay - it hurt." I continue. "It hurt me that he thought so little about me. It hurt me when he cut me with that sharp knife. It hurt me when he killed my mother...."

Rin pulls away from me, and takes hold of my hand.

"I'm sorry you had to experience all of that. But... I think you're really brave." Rin says.

I look at her, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Don't cry." Rin says, giving my hand a little squeeze.

"Rin... Thank you..." I whisper, averting my gaze and looking down.

"Don't thank me." Rin smiles. "Try and get some sleep."

I nod, lying back down on the mattress and closing my eyes.

"Thank you.." I whisper again, before falling asleep.

Narrator: Okay, and cut!

Rin: uh...

Narrator: what is it, Rin-Chan?

Rin: what about Luka?

Luka: *crying in the corner*

Narrator: oh... well anyway...

Miku: bai~

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