Sleepover - #71

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Last time: Rin went to the mall and bought Christmas presents for her friends.

Rin's PoV

It's been two days since I went to the mall.

I've done a good job at hiding the presents away from Len.

Heheh, I'm such a ninja...

I switch on my phone to check the time. Quarter to three.

"Still got fifteen minutes to go..." I sigh, rolling across my bed in boredom.

You may be wondering what is happening in fifteen minutes time?

Well, that's when Miku and Luka are coming over for a sleepover, and I am so, so, so excited!

Seriously, I've even made a list of things to do if we get bored at whatever point, which we won't.

I continue to think up little activities until I hear the doorbell, which wakes me up from my little day dream.

"Coming!" I yell, beaming as I run down the stairs and open the door.

Miku is there, clutching a bag.

"Hi Miku!" I smile, hugging my friend.

"Hi Rin." Miku drops her bag and hugs me back. "How are you?"

"I'm good." I say, pulling away and picking up her bag. "Come in!"

Miku follows me into the house, looking around.

"I didn't get the chance to properly look around last time." She sighs.

"Yeah. Well, this time we will actually have fun! No injuries!" I cheer.

"Yep." Miku agrees, nodding her head and smiling.

I run upstairs to my bedroom with Miku following close behind me, and put the bag on the floor next to my bed.

"So, have you done anything exciting yet?" I ask her.

"No. I've been doing homework all weekend." Miku sighs. "So much fun, right?"

"Urgh, homework." I say in disapproval. "Well, at least you've got it out of the way. Unlike someone.."

"I wonder who that someone is, Rin~" Miku giggles.

"Yeah, well, Len hasn't done it either." I pout. Miku raises her eyebrows.

"You're as bad as each other." She comments, sticking her tongue out.

"What?! No we are not!" I fumed. Miku chuckles to herself.

"Whatever you say, Rin." She smiles. "Anyway, where's Luka?"

"I'm not sure, she hasn't made an appearance yet." I sigh. "She is probably doing last minute work or sorting Iroha out."

"Most likely." Miku nods, sitting down on the edge of my bed and turning to face the window.

I sit next to her, also staring out of the glass wall. A/N: References. XD

"You live in such a nice area." Miku compliments.

"Thank you. I've lived here for as long as I can remember." I tell her.

"Really?" Miku says. I nod. "You're so lucky, Rin!"

I giggle to myself.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I say, hoping that doesn't sound too much like I'm trying to brag.

We carry on talking until the doorbell rings for a second time.

"That'll be Luka!" I say, jumping of the bed and racing down the stairs, with Miku following.

I open the door, and there is Luka.

"Hey Luka!" I say, stepping aside so that Luka could come in.

"Hello Rin." Luka says, walking into the house. "Sorry I'm late.."

"Don't be, it's fine." I smile. Luka takes her shoes off before looking at me and Miku.

"Ah, Miku's already here." She says, smiling a smile that is sheepish and happy at the same time.

"Yep!" Miku smiles, jumping up and down in excitement.

That's when Len comes in the room, with a banana in his hand.

"Oh, Miku, Luka you guys have arrived." Len says, smiling.

"Yes, so you better not be the annoying brother you usually are." I scoff, pushing him up the stairs.

"Hey, I was just going to say hi!" Len frowns.

"Well, whatever. Just go and play your video games and what-not. This is a girls sleepover." I smile. Len sighs and walks up the stairs, soon disappearing out of sight.

I turn back to face Miku and Luka.

"Brothers." I sigh, rolling my eyes. Miku giggles, and Luka looks at me questioningly.

"Anyway, let's go to my room." I decide, leading the two back to my bedroom.

"Wow." Luka says once she enters the room, looking around. "You have a nice bedroom, Rin."

"Thank you." I smile. "So what should we do first?"

We all stay silent for a few moments, wondering what we should do. That's when I notice that Miku is wearing her hair down, and not in her usual pigtails.


"Say, Miku.." I begin.

"Yes?" She responds, looking at me with her teal orbs.

"Do you think that me and Luka can do your hair for you?" I ask. Miku hesitates for a moment before replying.

"I guess so." She says. I smile, and sit Miku on the bed.

I reach for a couple of brushes and hand one to Luka.

"What are you planning?" Luka asks me.

"Hm... Maybe we could braid her hair?" I suggest. Luka nods at my suggestion and we begin brushing through Miku's long, turquoise hair.

Soon, I begin braiding Miku's hair. I've never done this before, seeing as my hair has always been so short.

"Urgh.. How do people do this?" I rage, as I make a mistake.

Miku winces as I pull on her hair by accident.

"Careful Rin..!" She says through gritted teeth.

"Sorry..! Urgh, I'm not good at this." I sigh, restarting the braid. Eventually I end up with something that could be a braid.

"Okay.. I think I'm done." I say.

"So am I." Luka says. I scramble of the bed and stand beside Luka to see how well she had done.

"Luka! How can you do such perfect braids?!" I ask.

"Um.. It's nothing special.. I guess I'm just used to doing them, that's all." Luka says, blushing slightly at the compliment. "I must say though Miku, your hair is fun to style."

"Um.. Thanks." Miku smiles.

"Okay, what should we do next?" Luka asks, turning to face me.

I am about to respond to her question, when the door bursts open and Len runs in, clutching something that looks like a case for a video game.

Wait, that's exactly what it is.

"Next is time to play video games!" He says energetically, earning glares from us three girls.

Narrator: And we end it there x3

Len: Damnit... I wanted to play video games... ;^;

Rin:SeeU all~!

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