Miku's Crush - #5

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Last time: Rin let Luka in on a secret about her past. And also, leeks.

Miku's PoV

I wake up early the following day - my alarm clock hasn't gone off yet. I yawn and drag myself out of bed, quickly changing into my uniform whilst quietly singing "Hello, How are You" to myself as I did so.

After that, I quickly brush my hair through, and tie it in the usual twintails.

Once I'm done, I tip-toe into the kitchen. Mikuo is already there, drinking some coffee. He notices my presence and smiles.

"Morning sis. How come you're up so early?" He asks, taking a sip of his drink. I shrug, and begin making myself some toast.

I eat the toast quickly and then rush upstairs go pack my bag. I check my timetable, my face breaks into a smile when I notice I had a certain lesson.


"Right, I'm off." I call to Mikuo.

"Have a good day!" He calls. back.

I sighed and left the house. School wasn't far, so I'll probably be rather early.

I arrive within quarter of an hour, and I decide to go straight to room 2-A. Nobody else was there, so I take my seat and decide to read some manga.

It was quiet for the next five minutes or so. I was so engrossed in my manga, so much so that I didn't notice when someone crept up behind me.


I jump, letting out a little yelp of surprise. Rin laughs at my reaction.

"Hey! Y-you scared me!" I yell at her. Rin pretends to wipe a tear from her eye, still laughing.

"Priceless reaction!" she grins. I roll my eyes at her, huffing.

"Shut up, Rin-Chan." I mumble.

Then, much to Rin's annoyance, Len walks in the room, followed by Luka. Rin snaps her mouth shut.

"Good morning." Luka says, coming over to our table.

"Morning, Luka!" I greet her with a smile, before I looked at Rin. She seemed too busy shooting death glares at Len to notice Luka's greeting. I nudge her in the ribs to get her attention.

"Oh..! G-good morning Luka!" She stammers, before turning away and looking at Len again. I look at Luka, who gives me a look that clearly says "don't get involved". I look at her with a confused expression.

Len walks over to my desk, giving me an apologetic look. "Hi, Miku. How are you today?" he asks.

"I'm good." I reply. He asks me something else, but I'm not paying attention any longer.

He has just walked in I let out a small "eep!" sound, my face slowly turning bright red.

I hid my blush behind my bangs.

Len's PoV

I was about to ask Miku another question, but then I realised she wasn't paying attention to me anymore.

She let out a small "eep!" sound as someone entered the room, blushing like mad. I twist around to see who she was staring at - It was Kaito.

Miku's PoV

Len walked back over to his desk, and Kaito sat in a seat behind him. They must be friends.

Thats when notice Luka and Rin staring at me. "Wh-what..?" I ask.

Rin smirks. "Do you have a crush on Kaito?" She asks, a little too loud. A few students turned to face us. I blush even more, this time in pure embarrassment.

"Sh-shut up!" I snap, but Rin keeps on smirking. Then, the bell rang, and our teacher enters the classroom. Luka and Rin both take their seats, Rin next to me and Luka in front of me.

Rin's PoV

I saw Miku staring at Kaito all through registration. It's so obvious she is crushing on him.

"Hatsune? Hatsune Miku?" The teacher called out Miku's name. Miku's attention snaps back to the teacher.

"Uh, here Sensei..." Miku mutters.

"Hatsune, please stop fantasising over your boyfriend over there are pay attention to class!" The teacher snaps at her.

Miku mutters an apology. Most of the class laughed, but one girl with brown hair gave Miku a hateful glare.

What the hell's her problem?

Narrator: and that's all for today~

Miku: Why did you embarrass me like that...;-;

Author: Heheh~ Arigato, sayonara~!

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