Secrets - #4

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Last time: Luka asked Miku if she liked to sing. After a science lesson, Luka persuaded Miku to sing, once they though everyone was out the classroom. However, someone was still there, listening, and before long started singing along, giving the friends a shock.

Miku's PoV

I twist around to see someone lurking in the doorway. The figure has familiar blonde hair, complete with a large white bow. Upon realising who the girl standing there was, a silent gasp escaped my lips.

Rin's PoV

I was just passing by when I heard some singing. The voice sounded so pretty, I couldn't stop myself from curiously sneaking over to the classroom to see what was up. There, in the otherwise desolate room, were Miku and Luka. Miku was singing "World Is Mine", a song I'm coincidentally familiar with. I couldn't help it.. I had to join in.

I hear Miku let out a small gasp as she notices my presence. I stand there quietly, somewhat awkwardly.

"I didn't know you could sing." I mutter eventually, breaking the awkward silence.

Miku blinks and pouts in response. "That's because you never asked!" She reasoned.

I grin at her.  "I'm Rin, Kagamine Rin. I'm sorry about earlier... I wasn't thinking straight... I don't most of the time." I admit, scratching the back of my head whilst trying to hide any signs of sadness as bitter sweet memories from the past began flooding back to me. "It's not much of an excuse, I know, but... I hope you can forgive me."

Miku doesn't seem to take note of my melancholic aura, however her friend Luka flashes me a funny look.

"Apology accepted!" Miku smiles at me.

"And you are Luka, correct?" I ask the pink haired girl, just to be sure. Luka nods her head, and I smile.

Miku seems to notice this, for she smiles back and mutters, just loud enough to hear, "You have a pretty smile... you should definitely smile more."

I look at her blankly for a minute, trying to comprehend her words, and nod my head slowly.

"That's good!" Miku grins at me, before glancing over to a nearby clock. "Oh no... I need to go now. Sorry! Bye guys!" Miku says quickly, before waving and rushing out of the room.

"See you tomorrow!" Luka calls after her, clearly a little confused at first. Once she's gone, Luka looks me in the eyes, her blue orbs burning into mine.

"Is something wrong?" Luka asks, "because you looked a little down when explaining how you quote on quote, 'don't think before you act' to Miku." I avert my gaze and bite my lip.

"It was that obvious?" I ask her, before breathing out a sigh and staring down at the floor.

"Yes, it was. You seem to spend a lot of time alone, so I'm giving you the chance to speak to someone about it." Luka says. "Don't bottle it up."

I take a deep breath and look back up at her. "Fine, I'll tell you."

Miku's PoV

I walk home happily whilst recapping my first day. Already, I've made a couple friends, got my first crush, and I feel right at home.

I smile a big smile to myself as I unlock the door to the mine and my brothers little apartment.

"I'm home!" I call softly into the silence to no one, the lack of responses making me sigh. "I guess Mikuo's at work still..." I mutter to myself, before deciding to go to my room and study for a while, until he gets back home.

Luka's PoV

After having the conversation with Rin, I quickly headed home. Monday is the only day I have free. No part-time jobs to worry about. So, I better make the most of it...

The second I set foot into the house, I am greeted by my little sister Iroha bounding up to me and hugging me tightly.

"Onee-Chan! [Big sister] How was school?" she asks me, smiling brightly.

"It was good." I respond, my response making my younger sister frown slightly.

"It's your day off. You're supposed to be happy!" she remarks.

"I am happy, Iroha." I tell her, smiling at my little sister. She nods, satisfied, and I leave her to her own devices so I can do some homework.

"So much for a day off..." I mumble to myself.

Miku's PoV

Eventually, I hear the front door open and then close again. Without a second of hesitation, I jump up from my desk and run to the hallway, skidding and almost falling over on the wooden floors.

"Hi, onii-chan!" I greet Mikuo with a smile. He smiles back and pats my head.

"Hey sis. How was school? Did you have a good first day?" He asks, to which I nod enthusiastically.

"Yeah. It's actually been a ton of fun!" I admit.

"That's good." Mikuo comments, walking over to the kitchen. "Hey, I'm going to make supper now, what would you like?" He calls.

"LEEKS!!" I yell back instantly in response. Mikuo laughs.

"Okay, okay! We'll have leeks." He chuckles. Gleefully, I dance around the hallway, chanting 'yay!' like a child.

After I finish with my mini celebration, I skip into the kitchen to help Mikuo out with the leek soup. By now, I'm probably a classified pro at making leek soup! Eventually the soup is ready, and Mikuo and I take a deer at the table to eat.

"Yum~!" I smile, appreciating the delicious soup we had made together.

Mikuo smiles wearily at me. I know he struggles to keep up with his education and jobs sometimes - that's why I try to help him out as much as I can.

I swiftly finish my soup, thanking him before getting ready for bed.

Something tells me tomorrow is going to be a good day...

Author: A good day huh? Well, let's wait and see... Welp, Arigatō and sayonara~!

Miku: *eating leeks in the corner* Ah! See you guys!

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