Date Preporations - #48

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Last time: Gakupo came across the cafe Luka worked in and decided to ask her in a date. Luka happily agreed to this request.

Luka's PoV

I dart inside the house, slamming the door behind me. Iroha peeks her head around the doorframe looking a little alarmed at first, but soon a smile spreads across her lips and she leaps over to me.

"Onee-chan! Welcome back!" She greeted me, throwing her arms around my waist. I laugh as I hug my younger sister. "Have you had a good day at school and at the cafe?"

"School was no better than it usually is." I sigh, remembering the fight that broke out in the corridor. My eyes gleam as I explain what happened at the cafeteria. "However, work was a little better. A friend has asked me to go and hang out with them tomorrow."

Iroha smiles.

"That's great!" She tells me with a smile. "Who is your friend? Is it Miku?"

"No, it isn't Miku. It's a guy called Gakupo." I say. Iroha nods, taking in this information.

"Is he your boyfriend~?" She asks teasingly.

"N-no, he is not!" I blurt out quickly.

Iroha smirked.

"You're blushing~" she pointed out.

I sigh, letting my hair fall around my face, hiding my blush.

"Whatever." I huff, returning to my room. I get out my phone and decide to message the others, telling them about what had happened since we last seen each other at school earlier today.


The best thing happened at the cafe today.


No. =_=

Oh. Well then...

What happened?!?

did you get free cake?

Free leeks?!? :D

Did you win the lottery?

No, I didn't get free cakes. I didn't get free leeks either (yuck..) and I unfortunately didn't win the lottery.

What is this exciting news then?

o^o leeks aren't yuck...

Tell us, please Lu-chan~!

"Lu-chan"?! And Miku, raw leeks are not the best thing to eat ever.

bananas are better.


Shut up. Where did Miku go?

she's offline

Shoot. Sorry Miku. Leeks are the best.



Well what?

Someone asked me to go on a date tomorrow. x3

Who's "someone"?

yeah tell us who your crush is lu-chan


RIN!! >~<

What? :3

OMG Luka that's SOOO cool!

Good luck!

Arigatō [thanks]


I smile to myself as I turn off my phone and plug it in to the charger. I lie on my bed staring up at the ceiling, coming up with a bunch of scenarios for tomorrow afternoon.


"Onee-chan..." I hear Iroha say. I open my eyes, squinting at the sudden sunlight that shines into my blue eyes.

"What's wrong, Iroha?" I ask with a yawn. Iroha pulls on a strand of her hair and looks up at me.

"You said you had a date planned today and... you've kind of slept in..." Iroha explains.

I frown and turn on my phone.


"Wait.. WHAT?!" I yell.

Iroha giggles at my reaction. I turn to face her.

"This is no laughing matter!" I tell her, a bit of harsh tone in my voice, "why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

"I'm sorry, but you usually wake me up. Besides, I had homework to do today." Iroha excuses, playing with the hem of her dress.

I sigh, jumping out of bed and dragging a brush through my hair.

"Fine, fine. Let me get ready, please." I say. Iroha nods and skips out the room. I quickly turn on my phone, to see that a weather alert notification had came through.

"Wait.. it might snow?" I say in disbelief. I peer out of the window. It is the first of December, however there is no snow yet. I think for a moment before coming to the conclusion that Gakupo had planned this all.

Seeing as it's going to be cold today, I pull on a soft pale lilac coat, black gloves, small fluffy lilac hat and long white boots. I peer into the mirror anxiously, to see a tired girl staring back at me through her blue eyes.

I quickly make a couple of slices of toast, seeing as I didn't have enough time to make anything fancy. Not that I make fancy meals anyway..

I quickly butter the toast and eat it, watching Iroha playing on the other side of the room. I smile to myself, remembering when we were younger and when we would play together with our parents.

It's good to see that Iroha's happy here. I know it's hard on me with all of these part-time jobs and all, but this is better than nothing - WAY better than nothing.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask Iroha. She is going to stay at her friends house, seeing as she can't stay home alone for so long.

Iroha nods eagerly.

"I wanna see Yuki and Rana! Yuki said we could all go and play on her trampoline!" Iroha cheered.

"Very nice." I say, giving Iroha her coat, mittens and boots. Once she is ready, I unlock the door and we begin walking to Yuki's house.

Iroha tells me all about the stuff she and her friends have planned to do today. I'm only half listening to her, because I am still wondering what's going to happen today with Gakupo.

The closer it is until he picks me up, the more nervous I get. This is the first time I've been in a proper date...

We eventually get to Iroha's friends' house. She knocks in the door and soon it swings open.

"Yuki! Rana!" Iroha cheers, running in the house to talk with her friends. I smile and begin walking back home.

Iroha: That's all for today!

Yuki: Yaaah x3


Vocaloid: VOCAL ACADEMYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ